Zinc and Dumping

I took one Zinc vitamin and dumped severely. I wanted to take this for my hair and I certainly don't want to try it again. Has this happened to anyone else? It was truly a horrible experience and didn't expect this at all.    — Conny M. (posted on August 13, 2000)

August 13, 2000
Did you take it on an empty stomach? That could have been the problem.
   — Cindy H.

August 14, 2000
I take Zinc daily...on an empty stomach. I didn't even think about the possibility of dumping. Obviously my answer to your question is no, I do not dump taking zinc, but I really haven't experienced dumping. 7 mo. post op open proximal RNY. Sorry about your experience, we are all very diffrent in what we can and can not tolerate. Good luck
   — [Anonymous]

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