What is a typical day of eating on a full liquid diet??

I am having trouble with my liquid diet fase. I am on a full liquid diet and confused as what a typical day should be. Any hints??    — Alison B. (posted on August 13, 2000)

August 13, 2000
Hi Alison, I just posted my recipe for my morning high protein smoothie a couple of days ago. I'm also in the full liquid stage and this is my typical day: Smoothie with a chewable vitamin, 6 oz V8 juice, cream soup: 1 can of Campbells cream of potato or broccoli soup, 1 can of skim milk, 1/4 c. cottage cheese, 1/4 c. low fat cheddar cheese, 1/8 teaspoon of Thai green curry paste, 1 teaspoon of bacon bits: put it in a blender and heat in microwave, makes 3 servings for me and I have this around 4 pm. Another 6 oz of V8, a fudgesicle and in the evening, sugar free pudding. And of course, water, water, water. I space these meals out about every 2-3 hours during the day. Good Luck!
   — Allie B.

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