100 lb. mark

Just wanted to let all my friends know that I've reached the 100 lb. mark, and then some -- 106. I'm so happy and wanted to share my good news. Please let me know your good news too!! Stephanie in AL    — FoxyLibrarian (posted on July 14, 2000)

July 14, 2000
Congratulations Stephanie!! I keep waiting for that 100 lb mark myself. I'm at 97, but I've plateaued and been there now for a month. Driving me crazy but knowing I'd never be anywhere near that mark if I hadn't had the surgery 2/8, keeps me looking at the good side. Take care.
   — Connie G.

July 14, 2000
Congratulations Stephanie! It feels so good to get that 100# mark. I've lost 113# now and I am psyched to get to goal now- I'm sure you feel the same. Way to go!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 14, 2000
Congratulations, Stephanie. I can't wait to see your new photo. You look good at 180. I can't wait till I reach the hundred mark. Keep up the good work! You go girl!
   — Queen K.

July 14, 2000
I love to hear GOOD news! Thank you for posting! This is so powerful, the inspiration, especially when w hit plateaus! Congratulations! Proud to hear of your commitment to exercise too!
   — Janice K.

July 15, 2000
Stephanie, welcome to the Century Club! Congratulations!
   — Jaye C.

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