Happy Dance~

I have a surgery date!! September 18th. It seems like such a long time away. I'm praying the time goes quickly. My surgery will be with Dr. Waits in Atlanta at Northside Hospital. Thanks for all the encouragement on the WLS site.    — WANDA M. (posted on July 8, 2000)

July 8, 2000
Congrats on the date it must feel great to know it is going to happen.
   — Glenda E.

July 8, 2000
I had my surgery in Atlanta 6-21-00 with Dr.Waits .He is the best.
   — shirley A.

July 9, 2000
Congratulations! I know just how you feel! I got my approval last wednesday and my surgery is set for July 19th:) In a few minutes(after midnight) I'll be 9 days & counting:) Stay Calm during the wait til September:) ttfn
   — Barbara I.

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