What is the general opinion among physicians regarding obese patients?

   — kathy S. (posted on July 6, 2000)

July 6, 2000
Thank God not all doctors are like that. God bless you Dr. Williams and all that you have done for me.....
   — Jason B.

July 6, 2000
7/6 Ineeded to answer this.I have been finding that my own physician is quite negative when asked about weight time he told me that I should go to India for a couple of months and Iwould lose weight as Iwould not be able to stand there food. Another time he told me to eat a couple of bites of my food then cover it with pepper so that when I took my next bite I would burn my mouth. He is providing me with referrals to surgeons for weight loss surgey,but is telling me I am taking the easy way out and that he would not do this
   — [Anonymous]

July 7, 2000
Boy does this one strike home. I started gaining weight at the age of 20-1/2, from 105 pounds to over 200 in a year and a half. When I first started gaining, the doctor said "oh you're just gaining to where you need to be, you'll level out." Two years later it was "just quit eating so much and you'll lose weight." Until I met Dr. Yee at Kaiser, who referred me for WLS, I had totally given up on doctors. They just didn't really care. Even though I was so sick, and probably wouldn't have had surgery if I had known how sick I would be, I can still say I'm grateful for the 97 pounds I have lost since 2/8/00, and thank God for Dr. Yee and Dr. Rumsey at Pacific Bariatric.
   — Connie G.

July 7, 2000
Boy does this one strike home. I started gaining weight at the age of 20-1/2, from 105 pounds to over 200 in a year and a half. When I first started gaining, the doctor said "oh you're just gaining to where you need to be, you'll level out." Two years later it was "just quit eating so much and you'll lose weight." Until I met Dr. Yee at Kaiser, who referred me for WLS, I had totally given up on doctors. They just didn't really care. Even though I was so sick, and probably wouldn't have had surgery if I had known how sick I would be, I can still say I'm grateful for the 97 pounds I have lost since 2/8/00, and thank God for Dr. Yee and Dr. Rumsey at Pacific Bariatric.
   — Connie G.

July 7, 2000
Boy does this one strike home. I started gaining weight at the age of 20-1/2, from 105 pounds to over 200 in a year and a half. When I first started gaining, the doctor said "oh you're just gaining to where you need to be, you'll level out." Two years later it was "just quit eating so much and you'll lose weight." Until I met Dr. Yee at Kaiser, who referred me for WLS, I had totally given up on doctors. They just didn't really care. Even though I was so sick, and probably wouldn't have had surgery if I had known how sick I would be, I can still say I'm grateful for the 97 pounds I have lost since 2/8/00, and thank God for Dr. Yee and Dr. Rumsey at Pacific Bariatric.
   — Connie G.

July 7, 2000
Sorry about the triple posting--it kept telling me it wouldn't accept my password, but obviously it accepted it anyway!!!
   — Connie G.

July 13, 2000
Don't you just love doctors? Maybe somebody should have asked the obese patients of these wonderful people if they think doctors are ill-informed, prejudiced, arrogant fatheads. I once had a doctor who told me I should weigh 120 (I weighed about 135 at the time -- I have an earlobe that weighs 135, for crying out loud!); I went on every diet known to man, more than once; I was told I have no willpower; I once waited six months to see a "diet god" who basically sneered at me, handed me a sheet for a 600-calorie-a-day diet (don't work without getting your stomach stapled, as we all know!) and told me to come back in three months. What a creep! I'm so glad I came across the doctor who did my surgery ... it's been 11-1/2 weeks since my surgery, I've lost 75 pounds, my BMI is down more than 11 points, and I feel great! Courage, my friend -- they're not all bad!
   — Cheryl Denomy

April 9, 2002
I think the only doctors that know better are our surgeons because they are VERY educated on the subject, our therapists and psychologists because they know our inner most secretive thoughts, and the other med practicioners that have been or still are walking around in the same shoes we do as obese people! I say screw any so called 'professionals' of a field that is supposed to understand why/how we are the way we are because in my eyes, they dont deserve the title of "doctor". All they are is prejudice morons who get alot of money to be @ssholes! More than half of this country is overweight, its time we quit being treated as if we are part of some grotesque(sp?) freak show. They need to accept it and help us fix it because that is what they are paid a HELL of alot of money to do.
   — Nicole0105

April 9, 2002
   — Laurie V.

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