Has anyone had second thoughts about getting surgery after reading of others dying?

After reading on the message board today about one of our members dying during/after? surgery...and also knowing someone that just had surgery and is doing poorly..I am frightened. My surgery isn't far off and I suddenly became very scared after reading this. My surgeon said that about ONE out of ONE HUNDRED die from the surgery. How do I handle this feeling?    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 2, 2000)

June 2, 2000
I think we all have had second thoughts after hearing about the poor souls who died. I can only speak for myself, that it was either dying with or without the surgery. I had to take my chances. I wasnt terribly ill prior to surgery... but all the factors were there with family history.
   — Kris S.

June 2, 2000
My surgeon told me that about 1% of WLS patients have complications and die. BUT he said that the 1% is they call super morbidly obese, not the morbidly obese. Those are the ones who tend to be up there over 400 pounds. Because of their weight, they tend to have more complications because of the surgery. So you really shouldn't worry too much, you should do just fine. Good Luck =)
   — Marni

June 3, 2000
I must admit too the thought crosses my mind much more often since this site has added the memorial page. I am happy the memorial page is there because it confirms that there are risks to this surgery and honors those who lost their battles with obesity. It seems to me the correct numbers ARE more like .01 or 1 out of 1000. There are nearly 12000 people registered at this site at present although I have no idea the ratio of those having had surgery already as opposed to those looking into or wanting to have it. I think the decision to have or not to have this surgery is a very personal one that each person has to make for themselves - hopefully with input/support from family/friends regardless of the person's decision. In my own situation, I am begining to feel somewhat hopeless as my insuror keeps dragging their feet on an answer (which will proabably be denial per their exclusion). Each day I feel a little more tired with a few more aches and pains and my esteem seems to be dropping. I don't feel like I will live long without this surgery. Having the surgery may also kill me - I don't know. I know it is a very hard position to be in. There is a part of me that wants to begin an excercise program and diet as I have had success doing those before. Then there is the other side that realizes every time I have lost weight, I gain it back in excess then feel more frustrated than ever. So I wait for my insuror who could care less if I live or die and probably really hope I will die because that will be cheaper than taking care of me. I'm not doing a very good job at helping you with what you are feeling, but I do think I understand it. Whatever you do, I wish you and everyone on this site the very best outcome. Respectfully/Sincerely,
   — jeff P.

June 3, 2000
I have to say that when I first heard of the 1% risk of death I had so many different thoughts were going through my head that (since I have not yet had the surgury) I'm Questioning if I should have the surgury. I feel with my luck that I will be that 1%. I don't know what to tell you besides that everthing has a risk and you have to be the one to decide if you want this bad enough. I'm behide you 100% good luck in whatever you decide to do. keep in touch.
   — Idalia G.

June 6, 2000
You are wise to be frightened of the surgery. The type of surgery you are going to have has a better success rate than death. It is normal to be scared of surgery, I would be worried about anyone who was not afraid. This is a drastic step to take to be able to live a normal weight free life. I had my VGB surgery 5 years ago. I will never regret having it done. It is the best thing I have ever done in my life. I am now happier than I have ever been in the 50 years prior to my surgery I do have to recomend you join a support group. You need to find out what was making you use food as a comfort, tool or what ever... Any other questions, please feel free to ask anytime. Avis Gandy [email protected]
   — Avis G.

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