My emotions :(

Hi. I'm due to have the open RNY in June. And first of all, I find that I'm eating what I want. The foods that should be a "no no". Is this "normal"? And second of all, my emotions are up and down! I'm excited one minute, very scared the next. Is this "normal"? Am I the only one who feels like their going crazy???? PLease help me to understand this!!!!!!! Thanks to all!!!!! I didn't sign my name because I'm way to embaressed!    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 11, 2000)

May 11, 2000
WHat you are feeling is normal. Please do not be embarassed as it happens to most of us before surgery. Try and relax and recognize that the feelings you are having are OK. This is a big step and it is OK to be anxious. Feel free to email for support
   — snicklefritz

May 11, 2000
I just wanted to let you know that I am also having surgery in June and I have been going through the same thing. I feel like I should be on lithium for mood swings I have been going through! One minute I am elated to be having this procedure and the next I'm thinking "what are you need to get off your butt and exercise and diet one more time!" Then I come back down to earth. I am having this surgery for me, for my health and for my future (along with my husband). I went through the "eat everything in'll never be able to have it again" syndrome. Then I just went out and bought bigger clothes! LOL! I can always give them away when I lose the weight! I hope this helps and let you know you are not alone. Please feel free to e-mail me, my address is on my profile page. Good luck to you!
   — heidiinPA

May 11, 2000
I am going through the same emotions you are and then some....I have to go for pre-op testing on June 6 and am very anxious about it. I am afraid they will find something that will prevent me from having the surgery on June 30. How paranoid is that ? Talk about a roller coaster ride... I am soooo looking forward to the surgery. Pray for me ! P.S. Has anyone heard how Jodie Rizk is doing ?
   — Kay R.

May 11, 2000
I know just how you feel. I went through the same thing. I ate as much as I can before the surgery thinking that I won't be able to eat this any more. In fact the day of the surgery I told my surgeon I was starving. Well needless to say after the surgery I wasn't hungry anymore. The surgeon asked are you still hungry. I told him I think he took care of that problem!!!! lol It normal to go through this nervousness before a big change in your life. You will probably be able to eat what you thought you couldn't eat after the surgery. That is a year from now. Not right away. You will probably never be able to eat as much as you use too. Everything will be a trial and error per se. You also probably won't even desire the foods you use to have after the surgery. My taste has change. I don't even desire the foods I use to eat any more. I am sure my taste will change eventually then will be able to add more food on a trial basis. I am four weeks post-op and still on my soft and liquid diet. All I can say is to take it one day at a time.
   — Sharon T.

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