Trying to locate information about a support group and doctor in Atlanta, GA.
I am schudeled to have my surgery on 4/4/2000 in Dallas Texas. My husband was approached today by his company about relocating to Atlanta, GA in June 2000. I don't want to have to start the process all over to get qaulified and find a doctor in Atlanta and I would like to have my surgery as scheduled. But I need to know if anyone has been in this situation before and if a doctor in Atlanta will take me on for my follow-up care if he did not do the surgery. Also are there any good support groups in the Atlanta area. — g. S. (posted on March 28, 2000)
March 29, 2000
Hello, there are several Dr.'s here in Atlanta..Dr. Burrowes, Dr. Waits,
Dr. Champion and Dr. Appael. All of these Dr.'s have support groups...Good
luck on you move..If I can help with anything please let me know, kim
— kim P.
March 29, 2000
Dr. Dennis Smith is also in Atlanta now. He was formerly associated with
Dr. Booth in Mississippi. Dr. Smith offers the BilioPancreatic Diversion
with Duodenal Switch (BPD-DS) Lucky for you folks in the Atlanta area to
have access to a great surgery as there are only a few DS surgeons spread
out across a few states.
— Fran B.
March 29, 2000
GS, Fran is right. Dr. Smith is a good surgeon. If you're
interested in learning more about the BPD/DS, go to It will explain the procedure, and
Dr. Smith's contact information is on the surgeon's page. Best
of luck to you!
— Kim H.
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