Pain on right side a few inches away from incision?

Has anyone experienced pain on their right side a few inches away from top of incision? I am 3 weeks post-op from a open proximal rny, my incision is about 5 inches long and the first 4 inches have closed up and healed nicely, the bottom inch is still open and I'm having wound packing done. However, I have this pain that at first I thought was muscle ache due to over compensating for the pain of the incision, but it seems to be getting worse and sharper. I see my doc this Friday, but was wondering if anyone has any ideas? Thanks    — prissb (posted on February 23, 2000)

February 23, 2000
P B, I have the same sort of pain, only mine is to the right at the bottom of my incision and I was told by my doctor that it is just probably the muscles healing. I am 7 weeks post-op and it seems worse now than it did before, but it has been around since about week 2. Linda
   — Linda W.

February 23, 2000
Have you asked your doctor about it? I had "referral pain" on boths sides of my incision. It went away probably by the third week. I hope this helps.
   — Lady C.

February 24, 2000
I'm 4 months postop. I had pain on my right side for about 1 month and then pain on my left side for about 2 months, they always said it was muscle healing. I wore a binder that goes around the mid-ribs and fastened with velcro, this was major relief til the pain finally went away a week ago.
   — hannah R.

February 24, 2000
It sounds like it might be your gallbladder. Mention it to your doctor. Maybe he will have a ct scan done.
   — Linda F.

May 31, 2000
I also developed this pain on Sunday and it is very sharp and burns. Mine is also to about 1/2" to 1" to the right of the top of my incision. Anyone else feeling this? What can I do to ease it, heal it etc? Plz email [email protected] with any help. Thanks!!
   — Lisa ..

May 31, 2000
HI, I experienced the sharp pain on my right side, just below my incision. To me, it seemed to be where my gallbladder had been located. I went to my PCP and they were afraid that it might be a gallstone that was blocking my biliary duct, the duct that goes from your liver to your gallbladder. Luckily, I was to see my surgeon that same week and mentioned the "presumed" diagnosis with him. And he told me he seriously doubted that it was a "lone" gallstone that was overlooked, rarely does only 1 gallstone form. He told me he checked all the connections and didn't find anything that would feel like a stone. He told me that the pain I was experiencing was probably muscle pain and that it would subside in a month or so. If I remember correctly it did eventually go away about 6 or 8 weeks after surgery. I was given Toradol for that kind of pain, so maybe you can talk with your doctor about some kind of analgesic for the pain. Good Luck =)
   — Marni

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