
I am convinced this surgery is the path God intends for me to follow. However, I woke up this morning in a panic attack:( Please pray for both me and Lady Chaos (my partner) today and tomorrow for the preparation and for the surgery itself. Thanks to ALL of you for your great support and comfort! I LOVE you guys^_^    — M B. (posted on January 18, 2000)

January 18, 2000
Hi MB! You should be scared! WLS is a big deal, it will change your life. Like you, I felt that God had led me to this decision and to my surgeon. Trust Him, and trust yourself. If you are doubting your decision, try and think back to the reasons you had when you first made the decision, and decide whether this is the right path for you. It's not right for everyone, and even when it is it's a scary thing. I'm 5'4", and my starting weight was 300. I had open proximal RNY on 7-29-99 and today my weight, after 5 1/2 months, is 210. I feel and look better than I have in years. My sleep apnea is gone, so is the snoring and feeling like I was suffocating when laying down. The swelling in my feet and legs....gone! The mild congestive heart failure....gone! The embarassment and humiliation....gone! I'm grateful to God and to Dr. Greenbaum for giving me a new lease on this life. I'll be praying for you and LC tomorrow. Good luck! Relax, breathe deep. It'll be a rough ride, but it does end. Jaye
   — Jaye C.

January 18, 2000
Hi MB , I don't thnk I could say it any better than J.C., so I'll just add that you will both be in my prayers, and remember you are in the Lords hand. May he richly bless you.
   — C S.

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