Surgery approved - have to switch doc and hosp
My surgery has been approved but due to doctor having a family emergency, I'm changing both my surgeon and the hospital. I was wondering if anyone has ever had to do this and if so, did you have any trouble with recertifing the surgery?? — prissb (posted on January 6, 2000)
January 6, 2000
I had my surgery approved for one doctor and decided to switch to another.
I also switched from an open procedure to a lap procedure. The new doctor
had to submit for insurance approval all over again. In order to speed up
the process I contacted my Benefits Mgr where I work (I had medical
insurance through my job) and asked for their assistance in pushing it
through. My Benefit Manager used her contacts at the insurance company and
I had my new approval in just a couple of days.
— Jennifer L.
January 6, 2000
This is a little off-topic, but I
noticed that Michelle and I share a
surgeon, Dr. Salahi.
I tried to write Michelle privately,
but it bounced.
Michelle, if you see this, drop me a note!
— Jennifer G.
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