I'm 3 weeks post op and I think I'm able to eat to much!!!

Hi guys! I'm so worried! I had lap roux done on 11/22/99 and for the first 2 weeks I was on only liquids. Well, now I was told to start eating soft foods so I have been but I'm able to eat a half of sandwich already!! I can also eat a normal meal but just a lil of it. Nothing seems to bother me either. I went through such hell to get this surgery and get better now I'm thinking they didn't do something right. I didn't think I would be able to eat like this. Has anyone else been able to eat like this at just 3 weeks? Or has anyone ever not lost any weight cause they didn't do it right? Anyone??? Anything anyone could share would be wonderful. Thanx so much!    — Liza Y. (posted on December 12, 1999)

December 12, 1999
When was the last time a half sandwich was more than enough to eat? :) For me however, soft foods meant, cottage cheese, yogurt, soft scrambled eggs, tiny tiny bites of chicken or tuna salad, or just straight chicken or tuna. Be sure you're following your docs instructions and you'll be fine!! :)
   — Sherrie G.

December 12, 1999
Dear Lisa, I was able to eat most anything I tried too after surgery but I was pretty careful anyway and not much really tasted good to me in the beginning. I was very limited in the quanties I could handle but could eat more than I expected after the first month or so. My Doctor encouraged me to eat carefully and healthily but to make my own choices. Of course I was told to chew everything 20 times and avoid red meats and carbonated beverages. They told me to avoid drinking liquids with meals but I wasn't able to comply 100% with that one and it hasn't seemed to make much difference. I knew to stay away from sweets (obviously!) and I didn't really want them anyway so my eating changed overnight to a much better pattern. Now, after 6 months I find I can really enjoy most of the foods I want to eat but I still can't eat (like I used to) two sandwiches and a bag of chips was fair game at lunch for example ...a half sandwich or an open face whole one and a small salad is PLENTY for me now. I eat some fruit or a luna bar mid-afternoon and after dinner I usually have something similar. So I eat more more often but way better stuff and overall it's definitely fewer calories and smaller quantities than before. I've lost an incredible (to me anyway) 90 pounds and am still going down but much slower now. I'm more active now and I walk as much as possible. It's so much easier for me now! I hope to dip down under 200 pounds by New Year's Eve. It would be the first time in a very long time that my weight was in that range. If I make it the best part of my personal millenium celebration will be moving that big clunker 100 pound weight on the scale over to the left for good! It will also herald the beginning of shopping mostly in the normal clothes sizes and stores again. Wow! That will be exihilerating! Anyway I guess I just wanted to tell you not to worry too much. I feel sure you will do fine. Just be careful and responsible about your food - don't push the envelope. The proceedure works. It really does! After a lifetime of dieting and disordered eating I am living proof. Carol in Philly
   — Carol M.

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