Surgery scheduled for Dec. 14... Wanted it so bad... Why am I scared?

My name is Mary. I have a BMI of 42.6. I have 120 lbs to lose. My surgery date is Dec14 with preop testing on Dec8. I am have become very nervous and anxious about this! Does this seem to normal to all of you?? I really need some reassurance!!!    — Mary B. (posted on December 2, 1999)

December 2, 1999
thats normal, youre excited. This is after all major surgery and not a walk in the park. You will be fine.I was scared to death right before my surgery. I would have done this a long time ago now. You will do fine. Good luck and youre in my thoughts
   — snicklefritz

December 3, 1999
Yes you will get the jitters. This IS a major change and surgery. You will do just fine. It is normal to feel this way. I am going to be honest as well just after the surgery you will ask why you did this! You will feel angry at yourself. Butthe first time you get on the scale and it is less and you can bend over and do things you will realize this was probably you only choice of living! Hang in there My e-mail is [email protected] (gold panning is why that name yet for years I could not do it! I can now!!
   — Cathy D.

December 3, 1999
Mary - It is so normal to be scared. I had my surgery 9 months ago and I thought I would explode in the weeks prior to my surgery. Hang in there during your post op period - it can be rough. There will be days when you will wonder why you had it done, but it will get better. I have lost 159 pounds since my surgery. It took a good four months to start feeling human again and six months to be ready for work. My email address is [email protected]. Please write if you would like. I'll be thinking about you.
   — Brenda M.

December 3, 1999
Hey Mary: Like all the others have said, it is very normal to be nervous. I was so anxious (both nervous and excited) for a few weeks once I got approval. I have about the same amount of weight to lose as you do. I am about 9 weeks postop and have lost over 45lbs. I tried meditating some (never have before) and I did find some peace a couple of days before surgery. I was even fine waiting to go into the operating room. You will know in your heart. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
   — Dot W.

December 4, 1999

   — Janet F.

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