OK I'm kinda embarressed to be asking this but......

I supposed to be having my sugery sometime at the end of this month. I'm 20 and VERY ashamed of my body. I was just wondering if right after your surgery your able to do things on your own like for example go to the bathroom and shower, I realize that I probably won't be able to shower right away but when I do. Or does the nurse need to assist you? I think I'd be really uncomfortable with anyone helping me do those kinds of things. I'm having Lap done. I hear that the sooner you go to the bathroom the better. After having your stomach split open wouldn't in hurt to sit down on a toilet and try going to the bathroom? I'm worried....or maybe just paranoid. Could someone please get back to me. I'd appreciate it.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 15, 1999)

November 14, 1999
If you were able to go to the bathroom and shower unassisted before surgery you'll be able to do the same after. In particular if you're having a lap--I had open and I had no problem with these things. Good luck to you and try not to worry so much!
   — Cheryl W.

November 15, 1999
I had LAP surgery and got out of bed the same day of surgery--evening. I was able to go to the bathroom with the nurse standing by in case I needed help the first night. The next day, by myself. I was taken to the shower and I was left to do it alone on the 2nd day. I left to go home that morning. I hope you can find some peace about your body. Truely, no one else will care in the long run. Good luck.
   — Dot W.

November 15, 1999
Remember --- You will probably never see these people again and the important thing is after having this you will be happy with your body.
   — Jen L.

November 15, 1999
Hi, I know what you mean about being embarassed, but I had to stick my pride in my back pocket (so to speak). The prize was a new lease on life and what I found was a bunch of caring compassionate nurses who had seen it all anyway (more than once) they are used to dealing with us WLS patients. I found that I had so much more on my mind other than being worried about what anyone else thought about the way my body looked. (I started out ay 450+ lbs) Good Luck & God Bless!
   — Angel G.

November 15, 1999
Hi , your feelings are completly understandable! I had Lap RNY on 4/30/99 and I too am very protected of who sees me in my birthday suit<grin> Having lap is a big plus in being able to do things faster for ourselves. I was walked to the restroom a few hours after surgery and then the nurse asked me if I wanted her to stay to "help",I think they can tell the few of us that don't like to be "helped". I nicely said thank you, but I think I can do it okay but would you care to wait outside the door incase I need you to help? I felt like this was letting her know that her kindness in wanting to help was noted without hurting anyone feelings. She waitted outside the door and when she heard the flush she asked if I was ready and opened the door to help me back into bed. The shower came the next day and the same went with that , only it was my husband lol. He waitted outside the door and was ready to help if needed. A note from someone whos been there,it's so hard to feel like anyone who sees us nude wouldn't want to barf beacuse thats how we feel about ourself. I've lost over 150 lbs now , am down to a size 8 in jeans and still don't let my husband see me completly nude. Changing the body is easyer than changing the mind,so give yourself time,I for one am holding to the hopes that one day the mind will accept that the trapped person inside that fat body for so many years is a lovely and acceptable person and worth being seen and loved. Good Luck and God bless
   — sarah2cu

November 21, 1999
Hi, I also had rny lap prox. I was up and walking by myself the same day. I did have a catheter. When I got my heparin shots they were in my stomach right above my hair line, I have a pouch there. No one sees me naked except my husband, but I did not feel uncomfortable with the medical staff, any of them, they are professionals and see bodies all day long If anything they would appreciate you doing something for yourself that would improve your health. This is a complete lifestyle change. I am proud of you for having the surgery it is a very brave descision. I did take a shower the next day by myself very mobile with the lap surg. good luck and dont worry the hospital staff if there for support and would not form an opinion of you by your body alone. They are there to help you. best wishes juanita
   — juanita C.

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