What can I expect the hospital stay to be like?

I plan on staying at the hospital by myself and want very limited visiting from my family, as this is not going to be easy and I really want to learn to cope with this by myself. Can anyone give me an idea of what to expect from the hospital stay and the first few days home? I kind of know what to expect, but would like to hear it from someone who's been there. What are some simple "meals" for post op? Having RNY...    — karen C. (posted on October 11, 1999)

October 11, 1999
Hi Karen, Well first of all, you will be very sore. But the sooner you start walking the better it is. Like the next day after surgery. You will probably have a catheter in your bladder, a pump for medication, they will give you IV antibiotics, and make you do breathing exercises several times a day. You will be bothered a lot by the nurses to make sure you are ok. Also you will probably have a drain tube in you abdomen about where your belly button is. And nothing by mouth for the first 2 or 3 days after surgery. If you promise with your life you will not eat the ice they might bring you some with a little thing to swab your mouth. The lemon swabs made me sick to my stomach as they were to sweet. But you should be able to have sugar free jello before you go home. Once you go home, no liquids except 3 ounces of diluted clear juices or water, or broth per hour. This lasts about 2 weeks. Until you get your staples out. Then you get tomatoe soup and it is wonderful. But no you are not hungry or thirsty at first, and if you do exactly what your doc tells you, you will do fine. Oh yes. Don't forget to take a sleeping type t-shirt or a very loose dress to wear home as you will not want anything on your surgery site including a bra or pants. Let me know if I can help you in any way. Cheri
   — Cheri H.

October 11, 1999
you should find ONE person to stay with you while you are in the least the first 48 hours. Someone that will watch over you and keep track of what the nurses are giving you or doing to you..or not doing to you......I am a nurse and believe me girl I know of what I speak....I am also post-op and the first 48 hours you aren't really with it...and you need some one with you ...someone to remind you to use the incentive spirometer (because the nurse's usually forget, until you get pneumonia), and to cough and deep breathe....there are too many little things that can be over looked need some one there with you.....I'm really not paranoid..I just know hospitals from the nurse's side and the patient's side.......if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me.. [email protected]
   — pam.leach

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