What should the pouch hold now?

I had RNY in December '98 by Dr. Afram. My stomach is not detached from my pouch. I am just wondering if it is possible to stretch the pouch too much without disrupting the staple line. How many ounces is too many? I still worry about the staple line, but then sometimes I take one too many bites and vomit. Can the staple line be disrupted even if vomiting occurs?    — Laura M. (posted on October 6, 1999)

October 7, 1999
It is possible but not likely. If you are vomitig then probably you have a 90-100% intact staple line. Try not to eat so much as to vomit since that indicates that there is too much pressure in the pouch and it will lead to stretching or breakdown of the staple line, and all your suffering with the surgery will have been in vain.
   — Bruce B.

October 7, 1999
The staple line can disrupt no matter what you do or don't do. The pouch can stretch and not disrupt you, too. Any of those are possible. The only way to know is to have your doc perform an endoscopy to actually LOOK. It's painless, just inconvenient. If your staple line is gone, you'll need to have it fixed. And it is NOT your fault.
   — vitalady

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