Help! Obtaining Surgery Date
I need some encouragement or at least someone to tell me to chill!!! I have had insurance approval for two weeks and can't get a surgery date. I am told I will get a call back and I never do. I end up calling them back to be told the same thing again. I think I wouldn't be stressing so much if I had a date. I'd appreciate any thoughts or insights. Thanks so much. — Jari M. (posted on September 28, 1999)
September 28, 1999
Hang in there, from the time I received the approval letter from my
insurance carrier it took 27 days to hear from the doctors office. Once
you get the actual date the wait is still hard. However every day is one
step closer to the BIG date
— yolanda M.
September 28, 1999
What can I say, I went through the same thing. Nothing helps. I got my
approval in June and when they were finally able to get everyone lined up
(hospital etc...) my date was Oct. 5th. It has been a long hard wait, but
it's almost over. So hang in there :o) this too shall pass.
— Fran W.
September 28, 1999
I'm not clear by you're message who's not returning your calls and putting
off the surgery date ... Who is it that you're calling to get a surgery
date? The Insurance Company or your Surgeon? The surgeon is the one you
need to be talking with now that the approval has come through. Seems like
they'd be ready to go quite soon unless there's a major back-up on
surgeries in their office. Good Luck! Call and talk to their office
manager and find out why you cannot get any straight answers and a date to
look forward to.
— Sherrie G.
September 28, 1999
I think I might be shopping for another doctor about now. Do you have any
health issues that might make them hesitate? Besides the "usual"
for Us? So, do you have other choices? There are LOTS of docs who would
LOVE to have you, insurance all approved and everything, I'd think. No,
you don't have to wait! OK, there's my vote!
— vitalady
September 28, 1999
Jeri ...
First ... CONGRATS!! you were approved, thats fantastic ..
I'm sorry that your having a hard time getting a date, maybe you should
take another tact with the Doctor's office, ask them why it's taking so
long. I'm sure that there is an explanation, it may be as simple as the
surgeon is trying to make vacation plans and is not sure of his schedule.
Employ the office's help ... nicely .. tell them that you have to make
arrangements and plans, and if they could at least give you an idea of time
it would be really helpful, remember .. you get more flies with sugar.
Good luck
— Mary Anne M.
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