has anyone got the vgb procedure, and how do i start my daily journal

please email me the answer also at [email protected]    — maliboo (posted on July 14, 2005)

July 14, 2005
I had VBG in 1995. It failed. I had a staple line disruption by 2000 and went thru a second surgery to revise the VBG to RNY in 2002. Please research and think long and hard about having the VBG. If you do not want a gastric bypass, I suggest lap band over VBG. <br> To start the journal, log in to your profile (link at top). The first link in the first column will be General Info, click that and it takes you to a page where you can add your name, location, email, website, etc. There is a Comments box, anything you type there will show up on your profile (journal). Remember to add to your last entry, don't write over it. Then at the bottom is a button that says Update my File. Click that and your changes will be saved. This is bare bones, if you want pretty stuff, you have to know html and have access to server space or you can send a request to [email protected].
   — Ali M

July 16, 2005
Hi there...I had the VBG March of 2003. I am a little over 2 years out and am very happy with my results. I hate so much coming to the boards and seeing all the negative feedback towards the VBG. It is a great surgery and yes people have had problems with it failing but they have also had problems with the RNY failing as well. It is a chance we take and no one knows how it will work. For me it has worked out great. I was 268 a month or so before surgery and was probably closer to 300 the day of surgery. I have lost over 100 pounds and love my new self. I got pregnant 6 months out of my surgery had an awesome pregnancy and lost the little bit of weight I gained during pregnancy right after I had my baby. I have about 15 more pounds that I would like to lose but if I don't I am very happy with my choice of surgery and the outcome I have right now. You should do research just to make yourself feel better but you shouldn't listen to all the bashers of the VBG. There are positive outcomes of this surgery and I am one of them!!! Good luck with whatever choice you make!
   — Michelle M.

July 16, 2005
Michelle, if someone had asked me at 2 years post VBG if I had had a positive outcome I would have said yes also. the fact remains that the VBG has a higher incidence of staple line disruption. You are right that the RNY can fail also, but most surgeons transect the stomach in the RNY, so that significantly lessens the chances of a staple line disruption. Believe me, I wish you the best of luck, would never wish for you to have to go thru what I went thru, but if the OP has the chance to avoid a second surgery by hearing about my personal experience, I'm going to tell it.
   — Ali M

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