I found some blood in my stool today.

I had an open procedure last December. Today I found blood in my stool, should I be concerned about this? I do not have hemmoriods and I am feeling okay....    — jc1923t (posted on July 30, 2005)

July 30, 2005
I'd see your doctor as soon as possible or go to the ER. Something is'nt right.
   — Danmark

July 30, 2005
Go see your doctor. If the blood was bright red, chances are that you do indeed have haemorrhoids, but you want to be completely sure. I always thought they would hurt and they would come out, but haemorrhoids can be internal, where you really cannot feel them, as was the case with me. But I didn't want to assume anything, so I had the doctor check (not fun, but necessary).
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 30, 2005
P.S. ALWAYS be concerned about blood where it doesn't belong!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 30, 2005
Run not walk to your doctor on Monday. Just 2 weeks ago my husband had blood in his stool and he had an ulcer on his stoma leading out of his pouch into his intestinal track. he had a full blown bleeding ulcer. It was serious, he was in CCU for 2 days and a regular room for 1 day. Come to find out he was put back on Coumadin too soon after his panni on July 11 and it caused it to bleed. Blood in the stool is serious, get it checked out.
   — ChristineB

July 31, 2005
You absolutely should see your Dr. ASAP! You may not have external hemmroids (you can have internal ones and not know it) but any blood should be checked out immediately.
   — Mary-Margaret

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