Can Low Ferritin/Iron cause weight loss to stop?

My ferritin has been low for the last year (17 down to 11). That's when the weight loss stopped. I am now taking a combination of supplements. I just wondered if anemia can cause difficulty with weight loss?    — Allison M. (posted on July 3, 2005)

July 4, 2005
one year ago in march i had a hysterectomy. My hgb/hct were 8.2 and 27 very low. my doctor was upset because the iron supplements were not working. i ended up in the hospital with chest pains due to anemia. I lost around 20lbs at the time but it was very hard because I was tired all the time so I did some walking (slow ) nothing hard. I was exausted i would get home from work and fall asleep. I was refered to a hematologist and my ferritin level was so low it almost did not register on the lab test. it was 0.5 and I still lost weight during that time. i now take 975mg of Iron a day to keep up my level and now I stopped losing. maybe your not as active because your more tired? and that caused you to stop taking it off? Just a thought cynthia
   — gurdy

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