Has anyone experienced left side pain?
My daughter (30yrs) had open surgery 2001. She had to have a revision (transection)this April 15. Nine days later she had emergency surgery on April 27 due to a serious wound infection. She is back in the hospital due severe left side pain. So far the drs cannot find why. Since her admittance to the hospital this past Sunday, she has gotten worse. Her blood pressure is 80/40 sometimes a little higher. Her wound has gotten very liquidy where it was dry before, and know she can barely keep her eyes open. There is something seriously happening to her and the dr. does not know why. I am waiting for the results of a contrast CAT scan, lots of bloodwork to come back. But in the mean time her health is deteriotating. She is at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and has what I thought was an excellent dr, but watching her decline I feel so powerless and enraged at the same time. The dr. knows exaclty how I feel but that doesn't change anything. Does anyone know of anything like this happening? Desperate Mom-Donna — Donna B. (posted on May 26, 2005)
May 26, 2005
Donna, let me first say, im very sorry to hear about your daughters serious
health conditions. Is she is an ICU unit, on monitors and IV drips? i sure
hope so. i had a seroma ( a collection of fluid) that ruputed through my
belly button after my surgery. im not saying shes has that, but just know
that if it is a seriou infection, it is good that its draining and getting
out of her system. she should be on IV fluids this will help keep the B/P
up. also is she on IV antibotics. i know its very frustrating watching a
loved one so been down this road many times recently. ive learned
you have to be her best advocate. I told my husbands specialist, if you
cant give me an answer, they you consult and bring someone in who can.. she
may have a specialist..but they sure dont know everything.i dont know if
your daughter has a heath care proxy, but if your on it and she's not able
to make decisions, they need to speak with you before doing anything to
her.iv went through the chain of cammands and when things werent done in a
timley manor, or i was getting nowhere with the call to patient
relations had things moving very fast and answers that we had waited a week
for. email me directly. also, dont foregt the power of prayer and spend a
few moments in the chapel while visiting your daughter. Tracey
— traceybubbles
May 26, 2005
I know you are looking for answers, and I am sorry that I can't offer any.
But, I want to tell you that I feel for you and if you need to talk, ever,
I will be here to listen. I hope everything turns out well for your
daughter. I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you. Please
accept my prayers, and let God take them to heart.
— septembergirl73
May 26, 2005
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. But don't keep taking the I DON'T
KNOW ANSWER from the doctor consult another one, need be another one. I
went through the same thing with my sister's doctor's (they said they
didn't know either) I don't want to scare you but she's no longer with us.
Please seek a second opinion!
— mamita093
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