Lower Body lift w/no muscle repair

For those that have had this done I would like to know how much time you needed to take off work. Also, was it a painful surgery? My surgeon said he will just need to remove skin and there is no need for muscle repair. Thanks for any info! Sue    — SJP (posted on May 23, 2005)

May 23, 2005
I have not had this done for for the last 3 days I have been researching this and I have found a wonderful site go to you will find everything you need to know there you can also email me for more infor [email protected] Angel Hugs Tegan Angel
   — TeganAngel

May 23, 2005
I had muscle repair so my Dr. would not let me return until 6 weeks. I felt good by 4 weeks, and if not for the muscles still healing I could have easily returned to work at 4 weeks.
   — **willow**

May 23, 2005
Dear Sue, In most cases to get the best result the muscles should be tightend. The answer to your questions depends on the actual procedure that will be done. Just removing the skin is not really a lower body lift. A LBL includes undermining the lateral thighs in order to achieve an upward pull. Regardless, any kind of circumferential operation causes significant discomfort. Time off of work depends on the type of work related duties. Lifting more than 5 pounds should be delayed at least 1 month. Some people can get back to a desk job after 2-3 weeks, but the average in probably closer to one month. Sincerely, Joshua Kreithen, M.D.
   — Joshua Kreithen, M.D.

May 23, 2005
I had the full deal w/muscle repair. I have a desk job and returned after 2 1/2 weeks. 1/2 days the first 3 days, then after the weekend full time. I had good pain meds and my Dr used a pain ball, which was great. I didn't think it was so bad
   — Gail O.

May 23, 2005
I would be a little concerned that you are going to have such a big proceedure without all the benefits like(muscle tightening). I had a lower body lift and the only thing the insurance paid for was a tummy tuck with tightening. I had to pay for just the skin to be removed on the backside of me. Are you paying for all of this yourself or is insurance? Do you plan on having children later.....if not.....go for the muscle tightening you wont regret it. I had the whole thing done and it hurt quit a bit. It took a good 5-6weeks before I could sit for a long period of time without a pillow under my rear. You also must wear a pressure garmet for 6 weeks which is uncomfortable and hard to sit in so make sure you give yourself enough time to heal. Good luck Wendi LBL 9/04
   — lovemonterey

May 27, 2005
Right now I weigh about 118 with no past (or future) pregnancys. My plastic surgeon does not feel that any muscle repair/tightening is needed. I have a defined waiste just loose skin on my stomach, hips, and thighs. The actual procedure is called "circumferencial body lift".
   — SJP

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