Is this happening to you at 4 years post???? stomach pain

yesterday I prepared a great dinner, cornish hen,and potatoe and carrots , I was looking forward to this meal all day,but by the time I had finished cooking it I suddenly developed this terrible pain in my stomach that lasted all night, and I mean all night. I couldn't even eat it and landed in the thrash. For breakfast that day I had two boiled eggs,a coffee. For lunch I had beef jerky and a salad so I was looking forward to dinner. Do you think because of the anticipation I made myself sick..........Give me some reason Also I'm almost 4 years out have not gained one pound back, and feeling great Thank God....I'm satified at my weight 165 pound at 46 years old... don't want to be super thin.. Just thought I would throw that in...ANyway has anyone else had this problem or should I call my doctor.... Thanks    — Rebe W. (posted on March 30, 2005)

March 30, 2005
Not to scare you, but it may be a small bowel obstruction. Mine started in the a.m. one day and by noon I was in the ER. They thought it was gall bladder (ultrasound did show stones), but I had had gallbladder attacks before and this was not the same kind of pain. This was smack dab in the middle of my stomach and it felt "twisty" if that makes sense. Two days after I get to the ER, they go in to remove the GB and see that I have scar tissue wrapped around a portion of my small bowel. Luckily the bowel was saved, once he released the scarring, it started getting blood supply again. I would call your doctor and mention the pains to him. Remember, as gastric bypass patients, we can still have bowel movements etc, and still have an obstruction. We have a whole section of intestine that does not have anything do do with food digestion, so it is possible to have none of the classic signs of an obstruction. Call your doc. Mine happened at 2 years post-op.
   — Ali M

March 30, 2005
I also had a similar type of pain a year ago today. Turned out I had an internal hernia and my intestines were severly twisted. I had to have an emergency surgery to repair the problem. You should see your doctor ASAP if you are still having the pain. I have not had any problems since then. I was 14 months post op when this problem occured. Don't take any chances, if it is a bowel obstruction or internal hernia it can cause many problems. Godd luck.
   — C. Burns

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