I wanted to know how long can I expect to wait on appeal?

My lawyer filed an appeal on my behalf Feb 28, I have Aetna HMO and I wondered how long I can wait to receive and answer?    — neicey (posted on March 18, 2005)

March 18, 2005
I would double check with your lawyer he or she would have that answer for you. That being said when I was waiting on my appeal I can't remember exactly but it was either 30 or 60 days from the date the letter was received. My attorney sent it certified mail, return receipt. Hope this helps some!
   — Gina A

March 21, 2005
I have Aetna also, but mine is a PPO. My surgeons office filled the appeal on March 8, 2005. I then received a letter from the insurance company saying that I would receive a written response by March 23, 2005. I called them on the 18 of March and found out I was approved. So hopefully you will get yours quickly too. Best of luck to you.
   — MS. A.

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