Is there anyone else taking Ritilan?

I have recently been diagnosed ADHD and put on Ritilan. I tried the long acting concerta and I am pretty sure I don't absorb it properly. What is the regular dose for WLS patients and is there a long acting pill we can take without absorbtion issues. I dip a LOT and my Dr. refused to give me a higher dose in a smaller time frame. I don't think I absorb the regular stuff normally either. Looking for input!!!    — crisjenn73 (posted on March 14, 2005)

March 13, 2005
Good morning! I don't take Ritlan, it did not work for me. Strattera was wonderful and made such a big difference but my doc stopped it because of a high liver panel blood test result. I am now taking adderal, at least until this liver thing is resolved, and it seems to be working. Ritlan worked for a short time, made me feel very strange, increased my hunger, andleft me feeling exhausted when it wore off. Don't give up@ Just keep trying to get what helps you
   — sunkissed kid

March 22, 2005
I was recently diagnosed with Inattactive ADD... They put me on Adderal XR. Its extended med but darn if it doesn't do great on me. The main thing I notice is ... I no longer "snack" just to be shoving food in my mouth. I had started to regain alittle of my "goal weight" back 6lbs and now that I am on adderal... its starting to come off due to not having the urge to "shovel food in my mouth just to keep active" I love my adderal!!!!
   — WLS_Deb

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