What's wrong with me? neary passed out

The past couple of days I have been really not feeling myself. I'm almost 2 years out and this is the first time I've ever had spells where I feel like I'm going to pass out. I stand up and I immediately start to feel a headache. After three minutes the lights start dimming and I almost black out so I need to sit back down. Three minutes! I don't know what's going on. Hopefully it'll pass, I'd just like to know if y'all have any idea as to what's wrong.    — mars.renee (posted on February 26, 2005)

February 26, 2005
I did this and they droped all of my blood pressure pills. Then I still was doing this so now I take potasium perscription pills "big", but I now feel fine. They took a blood test to check my potasium leavels.
   — cheryl D.

February 26, 2005
These are warning signs that you really need to see a doctor about. There are a number of things that could cause these symptoms. I had these symptoms on two separate occasions: (1) When I needed to be taken off my blood pressure medicine because my blood pressure was dropping too low and (2) When I started having my stroke and they found out I was anemic. I'm sure there are other things that could cause this, also. Go see your doctor!
   — SnowWhiteDove459

February 26, 2005
We are not clinicians that can diagnose your symptoms. You need to get to your doctor as soon as you can. It sounds like blood pressure to me. DO NOT JUST LET THIS PASS - BLOOD PRESSURE IS THE SILENT KILLER!!!
   — ChristineB

February 26, 2005
Get thee to thine physician ASAP!!! Good luck.
   — catleth

February 26, 2005
it could be you are either dehydrated or anemic. i had both things happen to me a couple of times. get your self checked out by your doc. i hope you get better.
   — Barbara M.

February 27, 2005
You may be Anemic. I am and have to take Iron everyday, if I don't I have the same symptoms that you describe, and I am almost 4 years (07-01). Check with your doc, and have your blood work done. Hope you feel better :)
   — Carey N.

February 27, 2005
I do this as well and it's due to my low blood pressure. My doc told me to drink more, didn't really work, but that was the advice I received. Good Luck ~~ Rebecca
   — RebeccaP

February 27, 2005
Light Headed, I do this when my blood sugar gets too low. I drink a little juice and then I'm fine. I did not have diabetes prior to WLS and I think that is why I now sometimes get too low of sugar levels. Hope this helps.
   — wealthgvr

March 1, 2005
I had this problem at 2 years out too - low sugar. shaking, sweaty palms, feeling like you're going to pass out. Yep. I noticed it happening when I ate things high in carbs - like pizza. My Dr. told me it causes my sugar to rise fast, but then drop fast, causing that feeling.
   — jengrz

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