Can you have a hysterectomy at 4 months out from WLS?

I had an ultrasound that found a 2 x 2 inch fibroid that is causing non-stop bleeding (3 months). The radiologist told me that a hysterectomy is the best course of action to rid myself of the fibroid. I speak with my GYN next Thursday and want to schedule this ASAP. Is being 4 months out from WLS too soon to go back under for major surgery?    — sharon M. (posted on February 24, 2005)

February 24, 2005
I'll let others address the proximity of the two surgeries, but please get second (and third and fourth) medical opinions on whether a hysterectomy is necessary to deal with your fibroid. There are less drastic options available, such as uterine artery embolization and myomectomy (removal of the fibroid alone), that leave the uterus in place and might be appropriate to deal with your problem.
   — Kay B.

February 25, 2005
When I had fibroids my GYN did a D & C and that did the trick for me. I like another poster said would say to you to get another opinion, what you are talking about is major surgery.
   — ChristineB

February 25, 2005
If you are not planning on having any more kids, than ask your gyn about uterine ablation. I am going to have this done next month - local anesthetic, outpatient procedure and I can go back to work the next day. Personally, I think the radiologist (or ultrasound technician?) was way out of line to recommend hysterectomy as the only treatment for fibroids. You really need to get an opionion from a gynecologist. Usually a hysterectomy is the last resort, these days, for treating fibroids.
   — koogy

February 25, 2005
A radiologist should not be advising you on the management of a fibroid. A 2X2 inch fibroid is fairly small. talk to you gyn and find out ALL of yor options. Always ask for a second opinion.
   — **willow**

February 25, 2005
Yes, you can have a hysterectomy 4 month out from WLS. I had WLS 4June04 and a hysterectomy 19Oct04. I did great with both...Good luck, Judy
   — juju524

February 26, 2005
Yes, I had my RNY on May 28th and then had a hysterectomy on Aug. 31st. and everything went great. It should be fine but check with your doctor.
   — Sharon Wolf

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