I saw someone had posted that they had shots for keloids, can you explain

I have keloids on my arms from my brachioplasty, I am back to the doctor next week so he can look at it since I am very concerned. I would like more info on how others have had their keloids treated and what kind of shots they had that helped.    — **willow** (posted on February 8, 2005)

February 8, 2005
I had to get steroid shots in my scars. I've had it done 4 or five times on all my scars...every 1/2 inch of my scars. It has flatten some out, but not others. We'll just have to see if they get any better. If you find a better solutions, please let us know. Thanks!
   — Renee B.

February 8, 2005
My derma used kenalog. Teensy needle, lots of little shots. It's not systemic, only the surface area and the results are over night, even if it is not 100%. Mine stopped burning the first set. 2nd set stopped the itching, and some of the scar began to lie flat and behave. One little inch took a lot more convincing.
   — vitalady

February 9, 2005
I saw a derma for the first time due to acne probs. I asked her about my open VBG scar and she said sometimes that happens. So she gave me a steroid shot in three places and said this would soften it up and make it flatter. It's been a week and it looks better. It's not purple anymore. It's losing color and is much softer. I definitley recommend the steroid shot.
   — P F.

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