Losing Too Much Weight After Giving Birth???

I got pregnant 11 months post-op (107 pounds lost). I gave birth via c-section two weeks and three days ago and since then I have lost 77 more pounds. All of my pregnancy weight has been lost and then some. I am concerned that I am losing weight too quickly!! I am having a hard time eating. I just don't have any appetite at all. Is it normal to lose so quickly after giving birth if you are a WLS patient???    — Terri G. (posted on January 3, 2005)

January 3, 2005
I have always lost weight after really fast after brith because of the c section you are not able to move around and it would take all I had to take care of the baby until my husband would get home before I had surgery (RNY) people would always ask how did you loss weight so fast. And you have something that I didnt have at that time so I would thing that you would be able to loss really fast. But I would always start back eating with in a 2 or 3 months after
   — williams L.

January 3, 2005
How much did you gain while your were pregnate?
   — luckyflowers

January 3, 2005
How much did you weigh when you got pregnant? Were you close to goal? How much did you gain during the pregnancy? Were you swolen at all - fluid retention? I gained 40 pounds with my post-op pregnancy, but my lower legs and feet were very swolen, esp. the last couple of months. By two weeks after giving birth I had lost almost all the 40, then I developed a WLS complication (small bowel obstruction) and was in the hospital and lost another 10 pounds or so. So I lost almost 50 # within 4 weeks of giving birth. Also, if you are breastfeeding, that takes alot of energy and you may not be eating enough. Talk to your surgeon and OB, have some labwork done, but I would guess that you gained alot of water weight with the pregnancy and that is why you have lost it so fast.
   — Ali M

January 4, 2005
My mom had eclampsia (sp?) with my older brother and lost 55 lbs in 2 days. Can you say fluid! She had been telling the doctor that she wasn't eating too much and he did not believe her and flew her off. She and the baby almost died because of it. With my pregnancy she was watched by a specialist and only gained 15 lbs the entire pregnancy. So it is possible to lose that much but usually only when there was some problem to begin with. On the other hand if she isn't eating and is nursing her body is burning up whatever stores it has for fuel and food. You need to get in nutrition somehow or you will end up very sick.
   — zoedogcbr

January 4, 2005
Have your thyroid checked, just to make sure its not out of wack. Good luck!
   — ZZ S.

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