Hi, can you tell me what kind of things make a tummy tuck medically necessary? Thank

   — SJP (posted on December 4, 2004)

December 3, 2004
Hi if You have gotten this far CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now Some insurances say that if it hangs below Your pelvic area they will pay others require rashes all are pretty differant soooo Best Wishes
   — Shell G

December 4, 2004
Rashes, skin ulcers, back and neck pain, trouble sleeping on your stomach, problems exercising, problems with balance ect.
   — Lacy G.

December 4, 2004
Dear SJP, It can be quite challenging to get an insurance company to pay for a TT. Most carriers see this operation as "cosmetic" and require there be what is called a diagnosis, or ICD-9 code to justify the operation. The most common diagnoses include an intertriginous infection (under the skin fold), persistant rash, skin ulceration or an incisional hernia. Your surgeon will usually need to write a letter to the insurance company with photographs stating that your operation is medically necessary based on the diagnosis. I hope this information is useful to you. Joshua Kreithen, M.D. Lakewood Ranch Plastic Surgery, Bradenton FL -
   — Joshua Kreithen, M.D.

December 4, 2004
It's all about what teh companies define as "medical necessity." Your documentation of skin problems, back problems, and problems with odor will go a long way to get a decision quickly. Most companies want at least several months of documented teratment of these problems before they OK the surgery.
   — DrL

December 5, 2004
Hi! Send me an e-mail and I will send you a copy of my abdominoplasty appeal letter. Got mine approved (and got the criteria changed) even though my plan had an exclusion for "panniculectomies and similiar surgeries" after weight loss surgery. I can also send the American Academy of Plastic Surgeon's postition statements on Abdominplasty and Redundant skin.
   — koogy

December 5, 2004
I agree with comments below. I will also state you need to be at least 1 year to 18 months post op. Have lost the bulk of your weight and be at a stable weight for 4 months.
   — Linda R.

December 5, 2004
I agree with the comments that all the others have made. Look at my profile to see what I did to help my appeal along. Document everything with your Drs.. I had letters from my PCP, dermatologist, WLS and PS. I also had my husband take pictures of my rashes. One thing that was mentioned in my appeal reversal letter was that my pictures weren't dated. If you can date stamp your pictures, do it. You never know what may help. Be prepared for a denial at first. My PS told me that, as did my WLS. My PS also mentioned that most external reviews are won, since they are reviewed by other PS doctors, and these doctors often have cases sent for review that they themselves want to be approved. It is a bit of work to do it, but it can be accomplished if you are persistant.
   — Fixnmyself

December 6, 2004
I heard that if you express to your doctor that you have a rash or soars due to the excess amount of skin, you will be able to receive a tummy tuck. HINT: if you spread dry soap consistently around your stomach, under the folds of skin, it will appear that you have a rash and then you can show your doctor your problem.
   — Michelle M.

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