Cigarettes and WLS don't mix

I just want to offer this bit of advice. I had WLS 18 months ago, I've lost 126lbs. I quit smoking more than 7 yrs ago. The last few months I've been dealing with a lot of stress. Moving, ilnesses, a bunch of stuff, and I gave into my craving to have a cigarette. Well, let me tell you, what a horrible experience that was, and I thank GOD. LOL. I had gotten to where I was smoking a few a day, heading back up to a full pack a day. The other day I had about 3 cigs on my way to work. By the time I got to work, I was sick as a dog. I actually had dumping symptoms, chills, light headed, tummy ache, and I actually threw up. My stomach felt like it was in a spasm. That was the last smoke I had, or will ever have again. Didn't realize you can dump on cigs, if that's what it was. But, in any event, I will never have another cigarette again. Please Dont' Smoke, who knows what kind of damage I could have done. Thanks for listening. :-)    — KellyJeanB (posted on November 18, 2004)

November 18, 2004
That was really helpful for me as I am 31 days out smokefree and wonder if one day after my surgery if I will smoke again. I will definately remember your experience , thanks for the words of wisdom. Elaine
   — elayne36

November 19, 2004
I am 17 months out. I am following my diet and meds to a TEEEEEEEEEEE. Bloodwork good. I take all my vites and meds. My only problem is I started to smoke again after a VERY long time of stopping. STRESS. I have had 2 nights of excessive gerd. I think I may have an ulcer. I have 2 nights of waking up with a REAL bad case of GERD. I am on 2 Nexium per day since surgery 17 months ago. I think I have REALLY screwed up. :(:( The ciggs are not a good thing. I KNOW I need to stop again. Thanks 4 the help. Any advice on gerd and ciggs will be appreciated. I KNOW, JUST STOP SMOKING, AGAIN. :):) I am sure I have developed an ulcer because of it.Thank you, Kathy.....RNY.. June 23, 2003. -120 pounds, at goal. T/T June 21, 2004. Healthy, eating right, taking all meds correctly, including 2 Nexium per day. I am sooooooooo sad and worried about an ulcer and extreme gerd 4 two nights. Thanks. Email me please.
   — Kathy R.

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