What is the general cost of a TT if self pay?

   — SJP (posted on November 14, 2004)

November 14, 2004
I found this list of interesting studies on plastic surgery (copy and paste this link into your browser): You will want to review the article on Average Surgeon / Physican fees.
   — Yolanda J.

November 14, 2004
I paid 6208.00 for everything. Outpatient.
   — Carrie W.

November 15, 2004
I paid $5500. Pennsylvania, 11/2002.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 15, 2004
I paid $7600.00 for a tummy tuck on 9-30-04. It was out patient, no hospital stay. My surgery was in arlington, texas. The ps revised my opem RNY scar (made it one small line not as thich as before).
   — marcelle1070

November 15, 2004
I'm paying a little less than 7,500 for TT, thigh and mons lift. That's a lot cheaper than I expected to pay, but I still have the breast aug, inner thighs and arms. The more procedures you have done at once, the cheaper it is. Good luck!
   — Samar M.

November 16, 2004
On 5-27-04 I paid 8500.00 for anesthesia, or time, 1 night hsopital stay and Dr's fee. I had a TT, breast lift, and lipo(body sculpturing) Seeing my results 6 months later I would have paid 85000.00 Plastic Surgery done by the right docs is absolutely amazing! Good Luck
   — kelley G.

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