has anyone had problems with an ileus or intestinal obstruction > 2 years out

last weekend I was hospitalized with an ileus ( paralyis of the small intestine) that just popped up spontaneously. I don't know where this came from. I am running wild in my mind, Such as did the carbonyl iron I am taking that consitpates me cause it? I just recently started it at the suggestion that the ferrous sulfate might not be absorbing properly. I never had any problem with the ferrous sulfate at all. At this time I have been on clear liquids pretty much exclusively since saturday evening. I had a 1/2 turkey sandwich in the hospital to prove I could eat enough to go home, but since then most every thing has given me a stomach ache. I saw my doctor yesterday, she said keep up the liquids and introduce solids gradually. I took down a protein shake with a banana blended in it this am and so far so good. I am losing weight fast and I do not want to or need to lose more. I am worried,    — **willow** (posted on October 20, 2004)

October 20, 2004
Hi Willow. I don't have any info to help you but I just wanted to say good luck and I hope you get better soon. You have posted answers to my questions in the past, which I greatly appreciate and wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. I hope you find the help you need!
   — Stephanie W.

October 20, 2004
I had this happen this past June, right before my 2 year mark. The ER doc called it an ileus, but I was having major pains so they did a CT scan. Found stones in the gallbladder and I was scheduled for surgery. Once they were in, the surgeon found a bowel obstruction - a peice of scar tissue had gotten wrapped around my bowel. I'm not sure about switching the iron. In general the carbonyl is less constipating than the sulfates, but if you were not having problems on the ferrous sulfate, you could try and go back. What were your labs like, did they show a drop in iron or ferritin? If not, then you were probably doing OK on the sulfate and should switch back. My doc thinks my pregnancy caused my intestines to be pushed around and that may have caused my obstruction.
   — Ali M

October 20, 2004
Willow, i don't have the answer to your question. but i do have a suggestion about the iron. My surgeon recently put me on "amino" iron. It is different from carbonyl iron but as far as absorption goes, it works the same. Just supposed to be easier on us. Good luck.
   — Delores S.

October 20, 2004
Willo, sorry I dont have any answers either, but I just wanted to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you. As soon as you can, if possable, up your fat and carb, and a high fiber cereal like mini wheats, if its ok with your doc, maybe this will slow the weightloss. Rosemary
   — wizz40

October 20, 2004
I have no idea is the 'iron' played a factor. But getting a bowel obsuction is something that can happen ANY TIME no matter how far out you are.
   — star .

October 22, 2004
I too just had surgery for bowel stricture 2 weeks ago. I am 2 years post op and have problems with maintaining my current weight. I tend to drop weight very quickly and definately dont need to lose any more. My physician told me the possible reason for my stricture happening is due to such a massive weight loss. I guess the fat around my organs has dwindled away due to the weight loss and caused my insides to shift and that is what caused it. He said it was common and that it shouldnt happen again. I was reopened from stem to sternum....and now have a G tube. I too get nausious from various foods and am trying my best to keep foods down. It was scary for me and i know this sounds odd but I am almost glad to find you. I would love to chat with you about this. Email me if you like. [email protected] Thanks melissa
   — Blakee741

October 22, 2004
After a lot of thought I am convinced the constipating effect of the iron is what caused my ileus. Fortuantely it resolved on its own, but I am going to be talking to my doctor about readjusting my iron and retesting my CBC in a couple months.
   — **willow**

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