Got my period and felt weak and tired which is NOT normal for me

I am almost 11 months post op and I got my period pretty much on time. However, this time my period was EXTREMELY heavy, I have felt weak and tired and grumpy. This is usually not me at all. I eat right and take my vitamins as I should. I am only 9 lbs from goal. I am just concerned at how weak and tired I feel and how heavy my period is. Has this happened to others? I just had an annual pap 2 months ago and that was normal and no other problems have occurred. I will be going to my PCP to have bloodwork done the end of next month on my anniversary date. Any suggestions at what may be causing this?    — KittyKatt (posted on October 17, 2004)

October 17, 2004
Have you had iron levels checked lately? You could be becoming anemic especially with a heavy period.
   — Tammy N.

October 18, 2004
Check your iron levels. I'm 2 years post-op and 13 pounds from goal. My iron was still within the normal range - just low. I started getting B12 shots and taking iron and I've gotten my energy back. Good luck and congratulations on being so near your goal!!!
   — Etta M.

October 18, 2004
To be safe have your doctor check you. I personally always feel week and dizzy during my period, but I'm prone to be anemic. Hope you start feeling better.
   — Debra J.

October 18, 2004
Is there any chance you could have been pregnant? My OB says that most women will have had a miscarriage during their childbearing years but don't realize it b/c they were so early on. Good luck!
   — Faith B.

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