My drain hole isn't closing.

This is a follow up to what I asked this morning. I had like a pigtail drain. When it was removed the incisional opening was approx. 3/4 inch long and about 1/4" wide and appears to still be about that size. Hope not to gross anyone out.... It isn't real red, the center has yellow thick, not sure if it is the tissue trying to reconnect, since the opening is also approx 1/4" width. There is some discharge still, kind of yellow, but doesn't appear "purulent or pussie" so..... I just am not sure. This is definately bigger than a JP tube hole though. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks again, Lisa    — chelle_0608 (posted on September 13, 2004)

September 13, 2004
My drain hole closed up pretty was completely covered over with new skin in about a week. But during that time it did look yellowish. I believe that is the new flesh trying to close up. Mine didn't emit any fluid after the first couple of days. It doesn't sound like you're infected, but if it doesn't start to knit over in the next couple of days, you might want to check with a doctor, even your PCP, just to be safe. Good luck!
   — Kelle W

September 13, 2004
I am battling the problem with both ends of my TT, my belly button finally healed up, but not either end of the TT yet, the yellow thick stuff is fat (cool huh!) my surgeon told me. I am draining like you, some yellow and slight blood but not puss/infection. Don't sit it in a tub, shower water is OK. Keep it dry and covered, I try to keep mine butterflyed shut. He has me on antibiotics now so I don't get an infection, he said natural bacteria from the skin is in the holes and you don't want to stitch that up and trap the bacteria, it should heal from the inside out. I am still waiting and working on it.....
   — Donna Y.

September 13, 2004
Hello Lisa, I had the same issue when I had thigh lifts. My leg opened up all the way down to the bone (this was not normal) it was not a pretty sight. My doctor said to keep it covered and it would heel. My leg refused to heal and I was not comfortable so I went to the emergency room. I got very lucky that night because the nurse on duty was from a wound care specialty hospital. She packed the area with loose gauze and sterile water. You can buy the sterile water in the pharmacy (ask the pharmacist to order it if it is not on there shelf. Well to me this was a miracle, every day I bathed as usual and changed the bandages at least 3 times a day. The wound heeled without a major scar. The reason as the nurse told me is, by keeping the tissues (flesh) that are heeling moist they have a chance to heel properly and you will not have an indent in the skin from the area not closing properly. The tissues have a chance to heel from within bringing the tissues and skin to the surface, which makes them even with the rest of your body. Since this incident happened to me, I tell everyone I know about this, and it works better for them than antibiotic cream even on a minor wound. The reason being the gauze holds onto the bad bateria and when you remove the gauze you will see each time you change the bandage the flesh underneath looks healthier each time. GOOD LUCK, Shana
   — shana1569

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