New pouch rubbing old stomach inside?

Hi all, This is hard to describe but here goes. Do you sometimes feel like you can feel your new pouch and old stomach rubbing together inside of you? WOW, sounds crazy doesn't it? But I can. When I lean forward, or sit up real straight then relax, or take a real deep breath, I can feel something -- for the lack of a better word - clicking together, or rubbing together in some way. It does not hurt, but it is sure disturbing to me. I am wondering if anyone else feels this and are you bothered by it? Have you spoken to your surgeon about it and when have they said if you did? Very anxious to read your replies...Spyder, July 14, 2004, Open RNY, 357/315.5    — SpyderS (posted on August 31, 2004)

August 31, 2004
I would say that you need to contact your surgeon and ask him or his staff what may be going on. Since your stomach is still in one piece so-to-speak, I don't see how they would be 'rubbing together'. Good luck in your search for information.
   — wdp2

September 1, 2004
I can't say that I have had that problem, but can see where it might be possible. I don't know what kind of surgery you had. But the previous poster said since your stomach is in on piece... Well, mine isn't. The "old and unused" portion of my stomach is "free floating". My pouch was formed and separated from the rest of the stomach. It is attached down lower on my intestine--contributing some digestive juices, no stomach acid or the like. Dont' know if this helps any, but thought I'd contribute. Terri
   — greeneyes1961

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