A nurse in an oncology office

has mentioned to a friend that there has been 3 cases of leukemia in post-WLS patients in her office. Does anyone know anything about the link between WLS and leukemia?    — vitoria (posted on August 23, 2004)

August 23, 2004
My surgeon dr philip schauer world known for bariatric surgery says theres no evidence linking any sort of cancer to WLS.<P> Its impotant to remember posties get all sorts of troubles just like the general population. Not everything is related to WLS.
   — bob-haller

August 23, 2004
Like Bob said, it's the luck of the draw. WLS doesn't make us immune to all the diseases the non-WLS world faces. We are definitely healthier but still are vulnerable like everyone.
   — zoedogcbr

August 23, 2004
If anything like this were common it would show up in our members. As a group they appear pretty healthy. Now a good example of troubles showing up is the gallbladder. That appears often along with hernias among those who get open surgery. If we do get a dreaded disease were likely a lot healthier to deal with things. Look at what diseases tend to improve or go away altogether. High blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholestrol and lipids, diabetes, GERD, that one causes cancer, the list goes on.
   — bob-haller

August 23, 2004
I don't think there is a link between the two, just that more people are now having WLS. The numbers are way up so there is bound to be some post-ops in most populations where previously there would not have been one.
   — Ali M

August 24, 2004
I think it is coinsidence. How many people have they seen in the office who have been in a car accident in the past? Or had their gallbladder removed? Or have had a hysterectomy? Appendectomy? I would betr any one of those would be mnore than the three people who had WLS! Don't let this worry you.
   — koogy

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