Do you find it hard to go into small shops to buy clothes?

I've said goodbye to Avenue, and Lane Bryant a long time ago. Since I got too small for those stores(YEEEHAAAA) I've been shopping in big dept stores like, Sears, Kohls, Target, Walmart. I like them, it took a while for me to realize I can shop in the "normal" depts in these stores. My next battle was trying to get the nerve to shop in those little boutique type stores in the mall, like Mandy, Dress Barn, Annie Sez. Didn't feel like I had the right to shop there. I felt that everyone would be watching thinking, "what's that fat lady doing in here." Well, I finally did it. I had to buy a dress for my parents 50th anniversy party coming up in Aug in Florida. I wanted to get something really pretty and special. It will be the first time much of my family has seen me since WLS, and I want people to say "WOW" (selfish I know, but, I've come a long way, do I deserve a "wow" now and then?? LOL) I decided to check some of those stores. I tried Mandy's found a dress, but didnt buy it. I was going to go back a few days later and buy it, but stopped in Annie Sez. I found this dress that is absolutely gorgeuos. Problem was, they didn't have it in size 12, only 10's and 8's. Decided to give the 10 a shot and see what happens. IT FIT!!!!!!! I cried. For the first time ever in my life I bought a size 10 dress. Before surgery I bought very few dresses. If I did they were size 28-30. More like tents than dresses. LOL. This size 10 dress is so beautiful. Black with a flouncy kind of hem just at the knee, kind of angled, with purple flowers embroidered down the left bottom part, v-neck, but not cleavage showing. ( I'm not there yet.. lol) I brought it home and tried it on for my hubby, "Damn, you're beautiful" were his words. :-). I think I will have no problems shopping in these little stores now. LOL. Thank you so much for letting me share. Anyone else have a revelation like that to share? I'd love to hear about it. LAP RNY 5/15/03. Down 125lbs.    — KellyJeanB (posted on July 24, 2004)

July 24, 2004
WOW!! I thought I was strange when it happened to me. I went to Foley's to by pants for the first time after surgery. My DH was bugging me to get rid of my large ones. Anyway, I was wearing 20's and 22's, so off I went. I picked out some 16's and tried them one. Too big. Got redressed, went out and got some 14's. Tried on, TOO BIG!! I had to catch myself with both hands on the mirror. I actually had an anxiety attack from the thought that I had to go get 12's to fit me. I became light headed, clammy, and could feel my heart race. It was the strangest feeling. Now I am down 120 lbs. to 125 and in an 8 and I'm really enjoying shopping everywhere (maybe a little too much).
   — Tammara D.

July 24, 2004
I have 2 fish-out-of-water stories for you when I started shopping in normal sized stores. The first is when I went to a large department store and the ladies' section was so big that I got lost! I was so used to a tiny large woman's section and was overwhelmed by the choices. The second time I just didn't know which section to shop in. There were signs for misses, juniors, petites, talls. I didn't know I belonged in either misses or petites and I had to ask an employee who looked at me like I was from Mars.
   — Yolanda J.

July 24, 2004
I don't have a great story to tell like this yet but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing this. I just had my surgery two months ago and I am so looking forward to shopping in regular stores. It will be a first for me since I have been heavy all of my life. I am going on a cruise in October and I keep thinking I will have to order some new clothes from Lane Bryant, but who knows...maybe by then I will be able to squeeze into some regular sizes. I'm looking forward to the day when this happens for me. Congratulations on your success.
   — Donna F.

July 25, 2004
I just wanted to say congratulations! I had my surgery on April 8, 2003 and I am now a size 4/6. I never would have believed I would get to this size in my life time. When I first fit into normal size clothes I still went to the plus size section until one day the sales lady stopped me and said I was on the wrong side and pointed me to the normal size clothes.
   — C. Zibrowski

July 26, 2004
Yup - the surreal phase!! I am half the woman I used to be. Now a size 10/12 from a 24/26. I have a few funny shopping trip stories in my profile, one very funny one with my husband. He had the whole dress dept laughing. On one solo trip, I asked the Macy's clerk where I could shop in the store. It was my first size 12 shopping trip. She looked at me funny. I explained I had lost some weight and hadn't shopped in the regular size depts in 20 years. She still looked at me funny said I could shop anywhere in the store I wanted as a size 12. It was a VERY weird and surreal feeling - the WHOLE store - just for me, racks and racks of stylish clothing - I really felt overwhelmed. LAPRNY 4/03 283/173
   — M B.

July 26, 2004
I actually got angry while at a TJMAXX store, trying things on in those horrid dressing rooms. I had my back turned to the mirror while dressing (like I always do - don't want to see it!!) and when I turned around to look in the full length mirror, I was convinced they were using trick mirrors. I stomped to another room and...guess what? I looked the same - that was actually me in the mirror! I felt so stupid. And yes, I am actually overwhelmed by the number of things available in my size (14 pants) in the 'normal' stores...I usually leave without anything because it's just too much. I'm so used to having no options that I just can't handle all the choices now...
   — vittycat

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