I need possible answer from a nurse or doctor

everytime I eat my nose runs, this just started happening about six weeks ago(that I've noticed could be longer). I suffer with low blood count , can this be related??? I have to see my doctor but if it's nothing I can sure save my money by not going because he'll also run all these test that will cause me plenty. Any advice will be a god send. What do you think..... Thanks....    — Rebe W. (posted on July 16, 2004)

July 16, 2004
It's strange that it just started. I have had that problem all my life. I finally asked a allergist and he said it was my sinuses, just more sensitive to smells and when I eat It opens them more. He said that I could have corrective surgery but there's no 100% guarantee. But then again, it could be something totally different than mine. It does get embarrassing at times especially at restaurants.
   — chilin1106

July 16, 2004
My nose is my way of knowing I have eaten too much or the wrong thing..Immediately my nose starts to run..Sounds silly but true..I dont worry about it just try remember not to do whatever I did wrong again.
   — Kathy S.

July 16, 2004
Hi: I'm not a doctor or nurse, but this is a condition called gustatory rhinitis and it is common among we who have had gastric bypeas surgery. It is just a phenomenom that occurs, not an issue. Type it in to a search engine and read the technicalities about it, if it is bothersome by all means tell your doc. I pay attention to mine and know when it starts to drip, no doubt I am full and need to stop eating. Good luck to you, Jackie O.
   — Jackie O.

July 16, 2004
There are five of us now in my family who have had RNY surgery - all of us have found that our noses run when we have taken one bite more than our pouches want us to have...or if we have been eating too fast. It is the first signal for us that it is just the right time to put the fork down. Two of us also begin to develop tears in our eyes if we drink any alcohol at all...go figure :-) I didn't ask for a detailed physiological explanation (although in hindsight, it would be interesting), however our surgeon explained it as having to do with a "connection" with nerves surrounding the stomach area that he had to work so closely with to accomplish the RNY. That was good enough for established that I didn't have sinus or upper respiratory problems, and gives me an instant news-flash that it is time to stop eating, or at least slow down. I'm over four years post-op, and it still happens...less profusely than in the early days, so now it's just a fact of life and it doesn't bother me at all. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

July 16, 2004
My husband has had this all his life. Our new doctor finally took the time to experiment with some prescriptions. He takes Zertec and uses Nasacort spray daily to control this problem. His last doctor told him to just carry Kleenex with him. Boy did he used to get frustrated until he started the medicines. Good luck to you.
   — ckreh

July 17, 2004
Rebe...I am 48 years old and for as long as I can remember, my nose has started to run every single time I start eating. It runs until I finish and then it stops. I actually saw an article about this very thing a few years ago in the newspaper. It has a name, but I can't remember it. I know it sounds gross, but I have to blow my nose at least 3-4 times every single meal. Hope this helps...
   — Katherine F.

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