Does anyone out there have this insurance and used Dr. Noel Williams?

1. I was wondering if he took this? 2. How well did United Healthcare work for you?    — Kristen T. (posted on June 29, 2004)

June 29, 2004
Hi, I know nothing of Dr Williams, I am from Missouri. Although I have UHC, and I was approved over the phone in 6 days, told what surgery they would cover and what surgeon, best decision UHC could have made for me. I am however being denied for a TT with my hernia repair. Best of luck to you. Everyones policy is different. Just call the number on the back of the card and ask to speak with the care co ordinator, they will have the inside scoope on your policy. Hope this helps. Patricica 9-30-03 314/175
   — pateblkbrn

June 30, 2004
Kristen, I would call down to the appointments line and ask if he does. I'm really not sure to be honest if he does... so that's why I say to call the appointments line and check.
   — Disneyfreak

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