Chest pains and palpitations while dumping?
Has anyone had chestpains and palpitations while dumping? This has happened to me a few times...I have episodes where I am in a cold sweat, but my face feels like it will explode and is on fire. I get severe chest pains and palpitations and cant breathe. My back also hurts. Sometimes I feel nauseated at the same is scary because I know that these are symptoms of a heart attack. I am only 29...please tell me that I am not the only one who gets this. It last about 30 min to an hour..then I am really out of it after words...I just had an episode, so I am having a hard time writing this. — hooterzgirl75 (posted on June 25, 2004)
June 25, 2004
I get palpatiations too and a headache with a hot head and face followed by
a chilly feeling. And weak all over my body. I feel very sleepy too kind
of like I will just fade out but I haven't actually done that. My arms
feel like they weigh a ton and my legs feel wobbly. The way I dump is so
weird. It starts about 2 hours after eating the food and goes in waves for
about 4 hours. No nausea or vomiting or diareaha(sp). It has only happened
to me with ice cream, first time with regular vanilla, second time with low
carb, low fat stuff. So I don't even go there now.
— mary ann T.
June 26, 2004
June 26, 2004
ORIGINAL POSTER*** I went to the Urgent care. The Doc said possibly
Pericarditis(which makes some sense) But, then she said that it was prob.
acid reflux...Guys, I havent had a problem with heartburn or reflux since
surgery. My surgeon said I dont have this problem because there is no acid
in my pouch and the original stomach is too far down the line to cause
reflux. So I still have no answers. She said I need to drive to the ER when
this is happening. Hello, I have 4 kids at home by myself(hubby pulls 16
hour shifts)...and there is no way for my to drive during an episode...I
would wreck the pain is way too intense.
— hooterzgirl75
June 26, 2004
I have severe reflux both acid and bile as a postop. I HAVE to take Nexium
daily for the acid reflux, it works pretty well. I take a bile binding
drink, Cholestyramine, every evening to keep the bile reflux at bay while I
sleep. Pre op I never had any problems with reflux and I understood it to
be a very rare problem postop. I have it and you could too. It can be
very painful. Perhaps you should let your surgeon know that it IS possible
to have reflux as a postop. I have no idea how the acid and bile gets into
my throat and chest but it does if I don't take my meds. I'm almost 11
months postop open RNY and my reflux problems started in month 5. Could
you call an ambulance when you have this severe pain and they could monitor
your heart? There is such a thing as a portable heart monitor that you
could use at home for diagnostic purposes, ask your doc about it. To rule
out a heart attack may put your mind at ease.
— mary ann T.
June 26, 2004
I have never had a dumping episode, but I have been told when some people
dump; they feel like they are having a heart attack, i.e. heart
palpitations and cold sweats, etc. Holly H
— Holly H.
June 27, 2004
Yep, you described it exactly....I'm 44...and I imagine that is what hot
flashes will feel like during is horrible and serves as my
reminder to stay away from overdoing it sugar/carb-wise....until the next
— Debby M.
June 27, 2004
I had one this morning actually and I too thought I was having a heart
attack. It happened after I ate something that I've eaten a couple of times
with no problems, so I wasn't expecting the reaction I got. It scared me
and like the other posters I too felt very weak and tired after and I
actually fell a sleep. I thought my heart was going to pump itself right
out of my chest. I surely don't want to experience that again, but
unfortunately I know that I will. 12/23/02 345/187
— tat1997
June 27, 2004
Hi. I know I may get some flack... and I am awaiting my Lapband surgery...
so I don't know of dumping syndrome... but I do know of what you described
when I have had an allergic reaction... it isn't an allergic reaction you
may be experiencing.. but the said dumping and anxiety or panic along with
it. The dumping is a shock to your system. And anxiety is only natural
when this is happening. However. You should be checked out for any heart
problems and head to the ER until you know for sure when exactly it is. I
suffer from anxiety and panic and I have the syptoms you are describing.
This is just my humble opinion. Don't mess with your health but get it
checked out.
Christy M.
— winniepooh2
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