How long before you saw the weight loss after PS?

I had 8 lbs of skin and fat and muscle removed from my torsoplasy. I am hoping after all the swelling is gone I will be at goal. I know many have said it could take about 3 months for the swelling to go, but did you see the weight loss before that?    — Gail O. (posted on June 23, 2004)

June 23, 2004
I was at goal at 3 weeks post LBL, BL, and Inner Thigh Lift. About a week later, I was in loose size 6's. I was loose size 10's pre-plastic surgery. I've had to buy all new clothing. I have some shirts I can still wear but everything else is new. I still have some swelling so I may go down to a 4, who knows. People at work have been shocked by how thin I am since returning to work. I'm sure you'll be very pleased with your results. Good luck to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 23, 2004
It took at least 2 months before I saw the scale reflect the 19 lbs of skin that was removed as part of my LBL. I have yet to see the weight I was before this past PS which removed 4 liters of fat from my legs and 3 lbs of skin from an upper panni. I'm 2-1/2 weeks PO and have managed to see about 12 of the 15 lbs of fluid/swelling I gained, but suspect it will be at least 2 months again before I see a weight lower than I went into surgery with.
   — zoedogcbr

June 23, 2004
I think it took me about 3 to 4 weeks to see the weight loss. By that time, a lot of the excess fluid had finally come out of my body.
   — Patty H.

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