Question for hairstylists regarding chairs in beauty salon

Okay, I know how ridiculous this probably sounds, but please bear with me. I have long, straight hair and would really like to get several inches cut off. It hasn't been cut at all for at least 1-1/2 years. Why has it been so long? Because the last time I had it cut the woman who cut it (at one of those walk-in places at the mall) was rude, short and abrupt with me. In retrospect I don't know if it was me she had a problem with or if she just had a nasty disposition in general. The problem is that I was going through some really bad self-esteem issues at that time and it has stuck with me, enough to the point that I've not been back to a salon since. Now I have a little anxiety about going to have my hair cut again, and here is my main worry: I'm 5'5" and about 295 lbs. I've never had a problem fitting into the chair; it's a bit snug but nothing too bad. How hard is it for the stylist when she is trying to raise the chair up with someone of my size in it? Is it extremely difficult for them to do? Any other comments, suggestions, tips to help put my mind at ease would be appreciated. Yes, I know how "nuts" this is and on how many levels, but knowing it isn't helping me get over it. Thanks! Oh, and if anyone is in the north Kansas City/Gladstone area and could recommend someone, that would be great also! ;-)    — Lynne S. (posted on June 18, 2004)

June 18, 2004
LOL...I don't think your question is silly at all. I have a problem going to salons too, fretting about it for days before even making the appointment. For me, it's the chair...and the darn mirrors in those places. My already round face looks even more distorted with cape on and wet hair. I was a hairdresser a hundred years ago, and the size of the person did make some difference in raising the chair, but not too noticeable. I would also be interested to hear what things are like now in that area.
   — Dj _.

June 18, 2004
Lynne, I know just how you feel. First I would talk to a friend, family member or someone trustworthy to get a recommendation for a stylist; second, stay away from "walk-in's". As far as the chair goes, I wouldn't worry too much about them they have a hydraulic lift in them so it isn't to hard for the stylist to raise/lower them. I never had an issue with my stylist, she was always great, I wish I could recommend her but the travel just isnt worth it for you. Still is and very supportive. By the way, I started out at over 400 pounds so good luck to you. Monique Normandeau, Springvale, ME Start:411, current: 251 (-160) and still going.
   — Monique N.

June 18, 2004
Oh my gosh, Lynne!!!! Thank you so much for asking this question!!! I have always wondered this too, pre-wls, and I would always CRINGE when the hairdresser would reach his/her foot toward the lever to raise the chair. In fact, sometimes they wouldn't even raise the chair and I just assumed that it was because I was so fat, I would hurt their foot! I'm really anxious to hear what the response is to this question.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 18, 2004
i've been a stylist for 15 years so i thought i would respond. don't worry at all about the chair it is very easy to pump up no matter how big the person is. when someone comes in to get their hair cut it should be all about them. you should be kind and listen to what they would like to have done. with that being said.....ohh boy only hairstylist will understand this. people think because you are in a salon that it is time to unload all of your problems. i don't mind listening sometimes, but my gosh it can be the most awful things you have ever heard and that is from people who you have just met. alot of people come in when they are having a tough time and say "cut it off or i just need a change" but really don't want a change in hair but a change in how they feel. i have no idea what happened that day with you at the salon, but why didn't you just go to another one? most of the time you can even go in an get a free consult. i wish you the best and i hope you find a great stylist. i thought i would add this too: just a tip for women with really long hair. i have noticed alot of women who have very long hair keep it pinned up with barettes and in ponytails.this is not attactive. why have long hair if you are going to keep it pinned up. also if you have had the same hairstyle since high school(10-20-30+ years ago) maybe it's time for a change. if most people saw a 30 year old woman with a beehive hairdo they would say that it is way out of style, but i still see women walking around with a mullet parted down the middle with wings (ohh makes me cringe). you know it's time for a change when you don't see ANYONE in public, on tv or in mags with your hairstyle. and you REALLY know it's time for a change when you have to take your old drivers licence picture in to show the stylist. one lady did this with a picture with her hair bottle bleach white and BIG TIME WINGS with the brush marks in it hahaha ya know what i mean??? i didn't want to even do her hair because that would be an example of my work walking around on her head hahahha. staying stuck in the same rut isn't good and it can make you look tired and older than you are. be bold, take a leap and be the best you can be!
   — franbvan

June 19, 2004
Hi. I am 5'3"/5'4" tall and weigh just over 350lbs at this point in time. I have been to many different hair salons and have never had them have any problem with the chair. I just fit... it is quite squishy... but I manage. I have only had one bad experience with a stylist that wasn't very good with obese people. All the other ones I have been too have been wonderful. I don't live in your area so don't have any recommendations for a place for you. But I am sure you will be sucessful in just about any shop. Christy M.
   — winniepooh2

June 19, 2004
hey...I'm a hairstylist in south carolina. The chair far as pumping the chair up,that is not a problem at all...unless the chair is an older chair...but i promise you, you should not worry about that. and as far as the hairstylist that cut your hair...she should have been more professional. It really bothers me for people to work with the public for a living and be so rude. Good luck to you and keep your chin up.
   — angie L.

June 19, 2004
Ok, on THIS I can answer. I was a hairdresser for 10 years and you should fit fine. I was reading your post and she might have just been having a bad day. I happens to us all. Try not to think about it. I know that the chair that "I" used were rated to 400 lbs I think and it was never a problem to lift anyone. I am in Alabama or I would come and cut it for you.
   — Noelle G.

June 19, 2004
Lynne, my mother lives in Gladstone for almost 17 yr. now and swears by the j c penneys salon at metro north mall, she has been going there for about 5/6 years now. Won't go anywhere else. She asks every year for gift cards for Christmas. She has regular cuts and quarterly perms. She has a young girl there she just loves. Hope this helps. Patricia
   — pateblkbrn

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