Take it out or leave it in gallbladder??

   — cschloesser (posted on June 17, 2004)

June 17, 2004
I would say take it out! But is it really your choice? The sugeons I considered either took it out or didn't, it really wouldn't have been my choice. My surgeon has an ultrasound done pre-op and if it's healthy, she doesn't take it out. <br><br> Well, guess what? Mine was fine back in November (2 weeks pre-op) but exactly 6 months post-op I had a gallbladder attack that ended me up in the ER. So I had my gallbladder taken out a little over a week ago.<br><br> But if you do leave it in, I should say, having the gallbladder taken out is nothing, compared to the RNY. I had both done lap, and with the gallbladder removal I was pretty much back to normal the day after. But if I could do it over again and had a choice, I would have had it taken out with the RNY. Afterall, I have read various statistics about how many people need them removed post op, my surgeon said 20%, I have read other articles that say as much as a third (33%).
   — Patricia T.

June 17, 2004
I wanted mine out with wls and he would'nt do it. I just knew with my luck it would mean another surgery. Sure enough 10 months after wls it had to come out anyway, so another bleeping surgery. GET IT TAKEN OUT DURING WLS IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE. Chances are it will only mean another surgery later if you don't.
   — Danmark

June 17, 2004
If I had the choice, I would have had it removed during my initial surgery. But I didn't and had to have a second surgery to remove it at 5 months post op.
   — RebeccaP

June 17, 2004
I was on the wrong side of the odds for yet another thing in my life. This past April I had what I thought was a dumping attack during Passover. I thought it was due to the tiny bit of wine I ate in the charoses (chopped apples, nuts, cinnamon and wine), approximately 1/4 cup. This was the only new thing I had eaten, and I got horrible pain after the meal, lasting approx. 5 hours. I was convinced it was dumping or a blockage. After going to the bathroom a few times, w/ no pain relief, I called my surgeon. By the time she called back the pain had subsided. We chalked it up to dumping. Anyway, after reading a little bit on the Q and A page here on OH, I saw a related question, where someone described the same situation that I had. All the responses suggested gall bladder problems. I e-mailed my surgeon and explained what I had read, and went for a sonogram. Well, the gall bladder is coming out on the 28th of this month. My surgeon claims that the occurrance of gall stones is not all that much higher in WLS patients, it is not all that unusual for it to happen. He did however say that some traditional methods of dealing with them are not options for RNY patients. I am hoping for a quick, uneventful recovery for this. If given the choice now, I'd do it and get it over with> Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

June 17, 2004
I think they should automatically take the gallbladder out when they do the WLS. Let's face it, probably 90% or more will end up having it out anyway. So why have 2 surgeries?? I had to have mine out in November last year. I was 2 years post-op at the time and had stones. I had tests done 6 months prior and knew it had to come so I scheduled it for November and hoped I didn't have any attacks!! Luckily, I didn't.
   — Patty H.

June 17, 2004
My surgeon said he would only remove my gall bladder during my RNY if it appeared to be diseased. I don't think there are many surgeons who will remove a healthy organ "just in case".
   — koogy

June 17, 2004
I'll put in my vote for getting it done during the surgery. I had to have mine out one year to the day after my open rny. I would have preferred to do it all at once but had never had gall bladder problems before then. Good luck getting your surgeon to go along with it.
   — Daisy C.

June 18, 2004
I'd say take it out if you can have it done. My surgeon didn't remove mine and I had to have it removed almost 1 year later to the day.
   — Cathy S.

June 30, 2004
I say TAKE IT OUT!! I was home after my gastric bypass (Lap) for only 10 days! I had a gall bladder attack and passed out because the pain was that unbearable and hit my head on the coffee table. When I came to, I could not see. Let me tell you there is a light to lead you to heaven! It was soooo bright. I had to shake my head back and forth to try a get out of it. I told the Lord, please don't take me yet. I have a little boy to take care of. I am a single parent and he needs me. I could not see for close to 30 minutes or so! When I finally regained some sense, I crawled on the floor to find the telephone to call my mother to take me to the hospital. It was a very scary situation. I was in the hospital for 5 days before my gall bladder was taken out.
   — Janice W.

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