I have been constantly craving anything w/ peanut butter!!

Why do we do this? For like a month I'll have these tremendous cravings for 1 thing and then it switches to something else. Is peanut butter really bad for us? I know it has protein but I haven't checked the fat.    — jojo63 (posted on June 4, 2004)

June 4, 2004
I've gone through the same thing as far as cravings. It's really strange sometimes. Peanut butter has fat in it. I ate it alot my first three months out as a great source of protein. Buying natural peanut butter is very important --no sugar added. Like everything we eat ---we need to do it in moderation. Sometimes easier said than done! HA
   — debmi

June 4, 2004
Not to play devil's advocate BUT I have this awesome recipe for peanut butter cookies-obviously not a frequent treat, but once in awhile these are the best things ever. 1 c peanut butter 1 egg 1/2 c sugar 1/2 c splenda...beat together and drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet-flatten crisscross with a fork and bake at 350 for 10 minutes. allow to cool on cookie sheet. these are awesome. like i saod, not something you want to eat a whole lot, but I have a couple of these a couple times a month and it keeps me sane. :)
   — jenn_jenn

June 5, 2004
Hi - Cravings are wierd aren't they? I'm almost three years out and I still crave anything with peanut butter. I wouldn't touch the stuff prior to surgery, but now it's my favorite thing. I always eat the natural stuff and I also get that Power Butter spread which is loaded with extra nutrients and protein. I figure better peanut butter than some of the crap I used to obsess over before surgery.
   — Traci H.

June 5, 2004
Ahhh, my nemesis...Teddie's Super Chunk Natural Peanut Butter. You stir it up and keep it refrigerated. YOU do; I don't! I can't have it in the house. Spread on a very thin slice of swiss cheese -- heaven. I try to be grateful that this is what I have cravings for rather than cake, cookies, candy bars -- but I still crave it desperately at times. Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 5, 2004
I think I could live on peanut butter! I eat it almost everyday as a snack on toast. I eat the low-fat kind. I don't mind taking the fat in PB since the protein content is very good. (especially since I am a vegetarian). My doc says there are a lot of good things in PB so it's not bad.
   — emilyfink

June 7, 2004
Just a tip. It helps if you buy the natural kind and pour the oil off the top. Lowers the fat content and still tastes like peanut butter. Enjoy! XOXO Jen
   — jenpatalano

June 7, 2004
Skippy had carb smart PB that is made with Splenda, so there are less than one gram of sugar per serving. I can't tell the difference.
   — raydm73

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