All the hourglass/pear-shapes, UNITE and share your exercises with me!!!

Hi, y'all. I was wondering if anyone had any specific exercises that targeted the lower half of your body? I need to tone my hips and upper thighs desperately. It's been quite a journey. I'm opening myself up to slamming and flaming but...I haven't exercised, at all, since my surgery. Fortunately, I have almost no abdominal loose skin, I have minimal batwings, and my breasts are fine. I had a feeling those would be okay, as I've ALWAYS tended to carry my excess weight on my lower half. Anyway, I think I misled myself into thinking that since my upper half was fine, my lower half would "fix itself". And lo and behold, it hasn't! (DUH!!!!) So. Here I am, minus 110 pounds in 8 months, 20 to go till goal, and baby, I've still got back. Ugh. Now, my two-part question: 1. How do I ease into exercising after going so long without doing so? and 2. Are there any aerobic or toning exercises that specifically target the lower body? I don't think I'll ever be a runner. I have pretty severe asthma and that has a tendency to set it off. What do you all know about swimming, combined with lower body toning exercises? Share what you've done to slim your lower half, please! By the way, as a point of reference, my waist is 29 inches around while my hips at their widest point are 40 inches. That's a pretty big discrepancy! Help!    — jenn_jenn (posted on May 30, 2004)

May 30, 2004
Hey we are built about the same. i just did my measurements this morning and my waist is 29, my hips 39. I have lost 158 lbs and still got back, a lot of back. i carried most all my weight in my thighs, hips, and butt, and they are still bigger in comparison to my top half. my top actually is too small now, i look a bit skeletal, but how could you possibly put some weight back on the top without also adding to the bottom? I just think this is how i'm built and probably always will be. my pants never fit in my waist before, still don't, they are always too big by several inches, but they have to be to be able to fit over my rear. as far as exercises, I was also told that swimming was excellent for your bottom half, and also there are several exercises, easy ones, you can do at home with two 5 lb hand weights. squats are great to help tone the ares you are concerned with and stair climbing is excellent as well. I can't say I've seen wonderful results yet as i can't seem to get myself to stick with anything though. Good luck!
   — Dee ,.

May 30, 2004
Dear Jen, I'll just share my experience with you. Take it for what its worth. I am 46 years old and never been athletic. I started running 1 minute, walking 1 minute and every week tried to go a little further. I go a total of about 2 miles with 6 short periods of walking. I know asthma comlicated things but I always had fat legs/big butt. My legs are now nice-I wear short skirts regularly and feel proud of my legs-never had in my entire life even as a teenage weighing 125 pounds. I currently am 5'3" and 165 pounds-nowhere near where I should be. I know I'll never run a marathon, but, perhaps you might be able to ease into the running like I did. Good Luck and Best Wishes. C
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 30, 2004
I too have a small waist with an hour glass figure. If I gain anything it goes to my butt and top thighs. I found that walking is the BEST. I actually run 100 steps, walk 100 steps, jog 100 steps to get all the muscles in the lower half. I go 2 miles a day at least x5 days/wk. On the days it is raining I go to the club and do the eliptical runnerr for 1/2 hour. I put it on low setting for 10 min, then med 10 min, then high also to get all the areas. I find I really stay in shape when I do this faithfully. Dancing also is really good exercise and if I go dancing I don't do the other 2. I did start really slow right after surgery and built up. Had a couple set backs where I had to restart after PS. Best of Luck!!
   — ZZ S.

May 30, 2004
I do Spinning 3-4 times a week for about 50 minutes a time. In addition to burning over 500 calories a session, it also really tones your lower half. I have never had such great definition in my legs and it's mostly from the class as I do pretty moderate leg weight workouts. As I'm sure you know, "spot reduction" is a myth - you can tone the underlying muscles, but the fat has to be burned off with good old-fashioned cardio (or a good plastic surgeon! :P) Good luck and congratulations on your decision to make exercise part of your new life. It greatly improves your chances of avoiding/reducing rebound and will help get that last 20 lbs off.
   — Rachael B.

May 30, 2004
Hi Jen, Just wanted to share something I learned years ago. I have a large rear end, and I've found that "butt walking" helps alot. I know.. Sounds silly, but, all you do is sit on the floor, and proceed to scoot across the floor. It's not easy, but I go as far as I can, then rest a second, turn around, and go back. Last time I lost 60 lbs just by watching, with that excerise and walking, and I was amazed how much better I looked. Try it, you just may like it..
   — steph40928

May 31, 2004
How about squats. 3 sets of 12. They are really good for tightening your backside. Also leg lifts, lye on you side and make believe you are balancing a glass of water at your ankles and lift up- not to high. Also do 3 sets of 12 on both sides. Best thing is to go on the net and get a print out of this routine.

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