Has anyone had a baby after having a tummy tuck?

I have lost 107 lbs and now my stomach is sagging. My OB/GYN says I should have a tummy tuck before having another baby because I will be miserable during my pregnancy because of my hanging stomach. Has anyone had this problem with hanging stomach during pregnancy? Also does pregnancy stretch out the results from a tummy tuck? Any advice would be appreciated.    — Audra P. (posted on May 19, 2004)

May 18, 2004
Hi, i had a tummy tuck and was told by the surgeon to wait at least 3 years to get need that amount of time to heal you want to wait that long?if you do it now theres a good chance you will have to do it again.did your dr tell you that?yur stomach will fill out a little bit with the pregnancy even if you gain only sujestion is to wait if you want children anytime soon.all the best Tracey
   — traceybubbles

May 18, 2004
I had a TT in December. I have one son who is 2 and 1/2, and my husband and I are thinking about trying to have another sometime towards the end of the year. My PS said that while he recommends waiting until you are done having children to have a TT, there are no adverse effects to the baby, and the only one to you is that you will not be as tight as you were before. You may need to be touched up again if you want the tautness you had prior to the pregnancy. I was in contact with an obesityhelp member who accidently got pregnant 4 months after her TT, and the last time I spoke to her was when she was 9 months pregnant. She and the baby were great, but since I haven't talked to her afterwards, I don't know what her stomach looks like now. I am glad that I had mine done when I did. I was miserable with that big apron.
   — raye

May 19, 2004
Hi - I had a full TT (horizontal incision from hip to hip and vertical incision from under breast bone to pubic area) in May 2002. In November 2002 I got pregnant and in August 2003 delivered a 10 pound 4 ounce girl. The pregnancy in regards to TT was very uneventful; however, everything did get stretched out and I now look like I never even had the TT. My advice: wait until you are done having babies. :)
   — Trinity M.

May 19, 2004
Well, the plan was for me to have the TT before the baby - I didn't care about a perfectly flat tummy, just wanted the gross hanging skin gone. BUT, we found out I was pregnant just before I was scheduled for the TT surgery. I will say that the apron that I have has not caused any problems, but I still kinda wish it was gone. It flaps when I walk! I hate it, but I am going in to have the baby tomorrow and hopefully can look into the TT within 6 months or so. The flapping is so bad I went and bought a maternity belt - a peice of wide elastic with velcro that is supposed to help with back pain associated with a pregnant belly, but I use it to hold my skin up - gross, I know!
   — Ali M

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