Has anyone been plagued with kidney stones since having wls?

I am almost 6 months out and have been doing wonderful. teh only problem I may have is gallstones but my surgeon is having that worked up now and if surgery is needed then I will have it, no big deal. But last week I thought I was dying. I had such horrible pain on my left side of my back along with dizziness, vomiting, sweats and chills. The doctor said I had kidney stones and I was back in the ER this weekend with the same thing. They did a CT scan and said I had 1 left to pass but that it was close to the bladder and should pass in a day or two. My question is has anyone had problems with kidnet stones after surgery. I have no family history of them or anything/ I was just wondering if anyone could shed some light on this for me.    — KittyKatt (posted on May 17, 2004)

May 17, 2004
My urologist says it is very common. During the early rapid weight loss the kidneys are processing a heavy protein load and makes a person very prone to developing stones. The risk will lessen as the rapid weight loss stage ends. It's not necessarily restricted to WLS, any high protein diet can cause stones as well.
   — scbabe

May 17, 2004
Original poster here, thanks for letting me know that I am not the only one who is going thur this. I really hope that it doesn't happen again. And water has now become my best friend, I go EVERYWHERE with it!
   — KittyKatt

May 17, 2004
I was in the ER last weekend with one, I had one prior to WLS a year and a half ago. I have been drinking a ton of water and also read that anyone who has had intesitinal gastric surgery, is more prone to getting them so I think we are hosed. I am going to see Dr Laport Wednesday and also my primary care doctor and see what is up, and how can we avoid them!!!
   — Dawn C.

May 17, 2004
I passed a stone 13 years ago then no problems till after WLS. I am 18 months post and have had to have 3 cystos doen to remove stones that were too big to pass. The urologist said there is increased incidence of stones post WLS due to malabsorption of oxalates in the intestine. Oxalates are the prime component of kidney stones in 90% of people with them. Ask your MD for a list of foods high in oxalates. Drinking lemonade made with real lemon juice is supposed to help also.
   — dianne E.

May 17, 2004
Oh yeah, Ive had problems with kidney stones, pre and postop. In October I had ureteroscopy with stents placed in each kidney. Boy that was fun!! It felt like I had to go to the bathroom all the time. After that everything seemed fine until February when I had another CT scan and found out I had several little stones in each kidney again. I have had no pain until a few weeks ago. The doc put me on Darvocet and Im hoping I wont have another attack. I have my stepdaughter's wedding on June 12th and the last thing I need is an attack on the day of the wedding. Good Luck! I sure feel for you.
   — Kris T.

May 17, 2004
I had kidney stones 2 weeks prior to having surgery and then was plagued with them again at 2 months post op. You have got to drink lots of water to keep your system flushed out otherwise the calcium continues to build up and you'll be back to the same problem again.
   — Rachel B.

May 18, 2004
Yes, both my husband and me. Oxalate stones are common for our population. Why? The first reason is, of course, Tums and like-types of "calcium" or other carbonate forms. Not only do we not absorb them into our bones, but our kidneys seem to vacuum them right up. Brown liquids (caf or decaf) such as cofeee, tea & cola can contribute and my hardest loss, SPINACH. I do have it now and then, but not as much as I'd like. The first step in adjusting you is to find out what KIND of stones. My uro was very informative. My husband's first was not. He was very IMPORTANT, doncha know, and could not be bothered telling us anything. In doing a routine scan 2 yrs after his first "crop", another was found and blasted, however, he developed septicemia when they removed the stint 3 weeks ago and was hospitalized for 4 days. Kidney stones are painful being imagining and he has now lost a total of 15 days (5 each time) with stones. (and people wonder why I go on & on about calcium carbonate!)
   — vitalady

May 18, 2004
I have not had the problem, but my surgeon's office advised that it is a risk if I wasn't careful and made sure I drank enough fluids daily. I do about 100-120 oz. of fluids per day. Are you getting enough fluids per day?
   — Cathy S.

April 2, 2005
Now they tell us! Kidney stones are common in gastric bypass patients. I just had my first bout and ran up over $30K in medical bills, plus an enormous amount of pain. Be sure to drink as much water as you can to help prevent kidney stones post-op.
   — Lisa L.

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