Can someone who's had WLS donate?

I never thought about this until this week. My brother had to have a kidney removed last week because of a tumor. ( yes malignant, but they got it all and he's doing fine. Thank you) I started thinking, if his other kidney were to fail, would I be able to donate one of my kidneys to him? Does anyone know of any statistics on this? Thanks    — KellyJeanB (posted on May 14, 2004)

May 14, 2004
I would be interested in any replies also. My brother went through the same thing last month - also had his bladder removed. The prognosis is very good, but I'd sure like to know if I can be there for him if he needs it!
   — Cherie A.

May 14, 2004
I am wondering the same thing. My brother's one and only kidney is failing, I am a match, but am unsure if I would be able to donate. Elizabeth lap rny 7/8/03 224/135/120
   — Elizabeth ..

May 14, 2004
The answer, according to my surgeon, is yes, you can donate. He told me not before I was 1 year post-op, however. My brother was diabetic and already on a waiting list for transplant. Sadly, he died the week we found out that my father was a match. (Not from the kidney issues, just lots of diabetic complications... ) So, check with your doctor for his/her opinion, but I asked pre-op and was told the answer was yes! Good luck ... You'll be doing a wonderful thing.
   — KelBurt

May 15, 2004
If you have the OK from you docs and are nourished and healthy I don't see why not. Once you lose all of your weight you'd be a much BETTER candidate / donor than you would have ever been pre-op, right? Good luck to your brother...Diane N
   — DianeN

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