Binders: why and how!

I just had my TT 12 days ago. Does the binder help with swelling? Mine doesn't cover the whole abdominal area - if I wear it up to my bra line, then from under my belly button down is not covered at all. If I wear it down low, the opposite happens. Do/Did you all have a larger binder? Should I look for one that covers the whole area at once? Maybe I should just buy a full length girdle from the store? And, again, what is the real reason we need a binder? Thanks so much!    — Mary W. (posted on May 4, 2004)

May 4, 2004
Ideally what you want is a stage 1 garment which has zippers so you can get it on and off without traumatizing the incision. You might consider buying one that is like a body suit, otherwise they do make longer ones. I had one that went from calfs to under breasts with zippers up the side. It was very comforting at times, especially when any swelling reared it's ugly head. The garment will help with swelling, which ultimately has to do with how the incisions heal and will look long term. It also helps to keep fluid production down some, although in my case it didn't work much as I was the fluid queen for 9 weeks. But who knows what it would have been like if I hadn't been wearing it. I had a LBL so my surgeon wanted something that would compress the thigh area also and to take the brunt of the hanging weight of the thighs off the hips, which is where he stitched it all up to. So my surgery was more involved and created the need for a more extensive garment, but it was worth it. My surgeon gets the local surgery center to sell it to his patients at cost, so mine was only $68. My insurance will actually end up reimbursing me but even if they did not it was worth it in my situation. My next PS is the upper protion of an abdominoplasty or a panni removal above the belly button. It could not all be taken care of with just the 1 surgery and we knew that going in. I expect I will just have a normal abdominal binder since it would be long enough. Go to to see lots of options of compression garments.
   — zoedogcbr

May 4, 2004
I had my TT 4/19 and they had to put 2 binders together to fit around me. I have since cut a section of the second one to add to the longer one. The nurse told me that spandex shorts instead of the binder would work just as well. I have the same problem. The binder fits tight around my tummy and not over the incision line.
   — bbjnay

May 4, 2004
I had to 'think' where my binder 'fell'...I had the ankqor cut and yes the binder didnt fit from top to bottom.. BUT It was put on the lower half, and thats where I kept it. The first two weeks (apx) I used kotex napkins on the upper part incision, that was only part needed covering.. worked great and my PS thought it was also a GREAT idea!... After a while the top incision heals.. THE binder helps keep pressure lower..where MOST of the skin was taken off... I cant tell you why its necessary, didnt really ask but I know that I wore it the WHOLE time.. and when it finally came time to 'remove' it... I wasnt ready it becomes a 'blanket' and makes you feel doc says some people do wear them longer, and to wean when I was it felt very weird going without one for a long time.
   — star .

May 4, 2004
My binder was too big for me. My doctor suggested I wear a tight fitting panty girdle (flexees was the brand name I used) and it worked fine. I wore them for 3 months after surgery and it helped tremendously.
   — Patty H.

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